Page 73 of Discovering Lily

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The man, Chino, draggedme further down the stairs as my heart began to beat in my chest harder not knowing what it was, I would find at the bottom of these stairs. It was cold, dark, and damp in here and the further down we went, the worse it got. My body started to shiver uncontrollably from either the fear or the coldness seeping into my bones, probably both. When we finally reached the bottom step, a row of lights began to light up, one after the other, illuminating the whole room and horrifying me all at once. “I told you that you should have avoided this room, but you just couldn't keep him happy and now I’m afraid you're going to just have to learn the hard way.”

Spinning out of his grip to face him, I practically begged. “Please, please don't do this. My father, he can make you an extraordinarily rich man if you just let me go.”

Chuckling, he asked. “Really? And just who is your father?”

“Constanzo Marchetti.”

Watching him closely, I could see the recognition of my fathers name in his eyes before it disappeared again. “You're Mr. Marchetti's daughter?”

“Yes, I'm Lillian Marchetti.” I told him, hoping that I was gaining some headway with him.

Not saying anything for a moment, he suddenly broke out into laughter. “Man, I knew Gustavo had some big balls, but this time he's really out done himself.”

“That's all you have to say knowing that my father will have you gutted when he finds me here?”

“Babe, your father is an old man, he ain't gutting shit.”

“Well he may not but my fiancé sure as hell will.”

“Okay, I'll bite. Who would that be?”

“Vitale Gatti.” I told him, watching his demeanor completely change from the playful smart ass he was acting like to a frightened child in just seconds.

“Fuck!” He shouted out, grabbing a hold my arm, dragging me to the other end of the room. “No more mindless chit chat, little girl.”

“You're afraid of him. I can see it in your eyes.”

“It's not my life on the line for taking you. It's Gustavo's,” he said as we reached a metal cage that looked to be only six feet tall and wide with a single chair in the middle. He began unlocking the door and opening it as he pulled me towards the entrance. “Get in.”

After he shoved me inside, I turned to face him. “You know you're going to die when they come for me, don't you? I not only have my family looking for me but the men of Black Spade, too, and they'll do anything to get me back. You're as good as dead unless you help me.”

“I'm as good as dead if I do help you, so you're on your own, princess.” He slammed the door shut and walked away. Wrapping my arms around my body, to try and hold on to any heat I could, I watched as slowly one by one the lights began to go off, drowning me in darkness.

Feeling for the chair, I sat down and brought my legs closer to my body, hugging them tight.

As the time passed, I began to think about the memory I had earlier about my eyes never being able to hide my true feelings, then the way I talked to Chino, it all came from the old Lillian that used to exist.

Sitting here shivering, I had no idea how much time had passed when I heard a creaking sound come from the door that led down here and then the lights slowly began to light up once again as someone walked down the stairs. When the room lit up completely, semi-blinding me, I could see it was Gustavo who had joined me down here. He made a tisking sound with his tongue. “How do you like your cage, pet? Not as nice as the fluffy comfortable bed you woke up in earlier, now is it?” Not answering him, he continued. “When I ask you a question pet, you answer me.”

“Fuck you! How's that for an answer? Or better yet, you're a fucking dead man when they find me!” I spat at him having had enough of his talking to me like I was some sort of senseless animal.

Unlocking the cage, he reached in and yanked me out, throwing me down onto the hard cement floor. “Ow!” I cried out when my knee smacked the ground.

“Get up now!” He roared at me so loud it caused me to jerk back like he'd just slapped me.

Slowly I started to stand, but before I could even right myself, he was dragging me off to some corner of the room. Yanking my dress over my head, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties, he turned me around, pushing me up against some X shaped contraption against the wall. He quickly hooked both of my wrists before I could even make sense of what was going on, finding myself hanging helplessly as my heart hammered away in my chest, wondering what he was going to do next.

Hearing some scuffling sounds from behind me, I tried to look over my shoulder but couldn't see anything. “P-please don't do this.” I begged not knowing what it was I was begging him not to do. No answer came from him only the stab of pain on my back after the loud snap of a whip behind me, causing me to scream out.

“Why do you make me punish you, my pet?” he said right before I felt the wind of the whip and the crack of pain it left on my back again, causing me to cry out, tears soaking my cheeks. After five more strikes to my backside I found myself fading into numbness and unable to hold my feet under me any longer. One more final crack sounds at my backside and it was almost as if I'd left my body and couldn't feel the pain anymore before my eyes closed, bring on the darkness I craved to escape the pain.

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