Page 75 of Discovering Lily

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Feeling like my bodywas being jostled back and forth, I began to crawl out of the darkness I fell into only to regret it the moment I feel the pain on my back, angrily reminding me of why I passed out in the first place. Looking around, I could see someone had a hold of me as he jogged across the room. “W-who are you?” I questioned the man all in black.

“A friend of Vance and Brice's.” Was all he got out before I heard a shot ring out and I was falling from his arms with a painful thud onto the ground. Several more shots rang out as the man covered my body with his own. “Just hold on Lily, we're almost out of here,” he said through gritted teeth, picking me up again as I heard another man approach us.

“Here, give her to me, you're hurt.” The other man took me into his arms as I slipped in and out of consciousness from the severe pain I was in as soon as I came to.

Hearing the sweetest music to my ears I’d ever known I could tell that Vance and Brice were near me but were clearly distressed by my appearance. “What the fuck happened to her back? Get a fucking blanket!” I heard Vance shout, but wasn’t his arms I was in.

“Jesus baby, you scared the shit out of us.” Brice whispered in my ear, as he laid his head against mine, causing my eyes to spring open.

“Y-you came.” I could barely get the words out.

“We will always come for you, Lily. I told you there's no where you can hide on this earth that we won't find you. I'm so fucking glad you're okay.”

“M-my back... it hurts.”

“I know baby, I'm so sorry he got his hands on you, so fucking sorry we didn't protect you like we promised you we would. We're going to get you some help.”

“’s my fault. I went to him. I thought it was Bruno texting me... should have known better.” Were my last words before the pain becomes too much and takes me into darkness again.

When I woke up this time, I found myself in a room covered in white with beeping noises and smells of antiseptics. “Vance? Brice?” I croaked out.

“I'm here, baby,” Brice said, stroking my hair off my, face kissing my forehead.


“He'll be in soon. He took a hit in the arm and just needed to get a couple of stitches.”

My eyes widened as I shot up out of bed, whimpering at the pain that moved through my body. “He's shot?”

“Yes, but he's going to be just fine, now lay back down, you have a couple of stitches of your own that I don't

want you to rip.”

When he mentions the stiches, I looked away from him, remembering the horror in both of their voices at the damage to my back. I couldn’t help but wonder if they would ever be attracted to me the same way, knowing that I was damaged goods now. Not able to hold it in, a tear made its way down my cheek just before Brice brushed it away with his thumb.

“What's going on in that head of yours Lily?”

Turning back to face him, I looked down at my hand, held by his. “Will I... have scars?”

Taking a deep breath, he brought my hand to his lips, kissing it. “The doctor said that a few of the deeper cuts into your skin might leave a scar but that shit don't matter to Vance and I baby, so get that thought out of your head right now.”

“I'm damaged goods.”

“The hell you are.” I heard Vance growl from the open door, causing Brice and I to turn and face him. “Don't you ever say that shit about yourself ever again sweetheart, I won't tolerate it.”

Tears started to flow down my cheeks more freely at his words, praying that they both meant what they said. “Is he dead? Gustavo?” I asked.

Shaking his head, Brice spoke up first. “I'm sorry Lily, but he managed to escape before we could take him out.”

“So what does that mean for me now?”

“It means that you come back home where you rightfully belong.” We heard a man announce, entering the room. Not just any man, it was the man I recognized as my ex-fiancé, Vitale, with two large men in dark suits flanking him. “I believe we had an agreement gentlemen, and now I expect you to honor it,” he said, causing me to look back and forth between Vance and Brice.

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