Page 46 of Discovering Lily

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Arriving at the officetoday, both Vance and I did our usual email checks and call returns. After a few hours I was finally caught up. Hearing a knock on my door, I called out whoever it was to come in.

“Hey,” Hudson said, walking in and collapsing in the chair across from me.

“Hey yourself. How are things going with you? I haven't seen you around here much these last couple of weeks.”

“I'm dealing with a pregnant princess. Enough said?” He answered with a laugh, wiping his hand down over his face, looking tired as hell.

Chuckling at how disheveled he looked when normally he was Mr. Cool, calm and collected, I asked. “Presley's keeping you hopping, huh?”

“Oh you have no idea, brother. If I'm not running out for cravings, I'm fucking her non-stop.” He leaned forward. “You know how when we were younger and all we wanted to do was fuck and fuck some more? Well I'm living that life right now with these damn pregnancy hormones of hers, making her want it three, four times a day and I gotta say, it's not all it's cracked up to be, man. I had to ice my balls the other night. My balls dude because she bounced up and down on them so hard. Oh, and that's another thing, it's never hard enough with that woman. All I ever hear is "harder, baby!" or "faster, Hudson!" Shit she's going to break my dick if she keeps this pace up.”

Full on laughing at his predicament, I didn't hear my office door open as Carter strolled in, sitting down beside Hudson with just about the same look on his face.

“Hey,” he said in a glum and very un-Carter like tone.

“Now what the fuck is wrong with you?” I questioned.

“Women.” Was his one-word answer.

Hudson turned to face him with his hand outstretched, ready to high five him. “Amen brother, they're going to be the death of us.”

High fiving Hudson, he asked. “What's your problem? Presley not giving it up now that she's pregnant?”

Laughing, I filled him in. “No, she's fucking him to death thanks to those pregnancy hormones of hers making her so horny all the time.”

“Then what the fuck you bitching for man? At least you're getting some. I on the other hand have been suffering from the worst case of blue balls here for over two weeks.”

“Two weeks!?” Both Hudson and I blurted out in unison.

“You gotta be shitting me? You can't even go two days with out nailing some random chick you meet, let alone two weeks. What the hell is going on?” Hudson asks.

“It's this new neighbor of mine, Vivian, woman won't give me the fucking time of day. I've tried everything that usually works with women and still I get nothing but her snide ass comments about how she doesn't want anything to do with me because she knows my type,” he said, using quotation gestures with his fingers before throwing his hands up in defeat.

“She's got a point.” Hudson remarked, drawing a glare from Carter.

“So move on then. It's not like you can't go out and get laid tonight if you wanted to. Hell, the chicks are always grabbing at the chance to hang all over you.” I told him.

“Yeah but...” His words trailed off.

“Oh shit!” Hudson yelled out, laughing. “I know that look. Carter's finally found his unicorn!”

The back story to that is, Carter always had this idea of what the woman he settles down with one day would be like. He always referred to her as hisunicorn because he knew a woman like that could never exist... that was until now apparently.

“Whatever man, all I know is she messes with my head way too fucking much. I know she wants me just as much as I want her, but I think some shits went down with her that makes her so stand-offish. Not only that but she has a kid, too.” He informed us.

“Wait. You, Carter Mitchell wants to hook up with a woman who has a kid?” Hudson asked in disbelief. “Wasn't it you that always said, and I quote: I don't ever want any kids because I always want to be the only child my woman focuses on?”

“You know you assholes aren't helping by throwing all this shit in my face.” He snapped, getting more pissed off than I'd ever seen him get before. “Yeah, okay I've said some stupid shit in my day, but I don't need you guys throwing it back in my face.” He finished, getting up to leave.

“Come on man, we were just giving you shit like you've always done to us, so get your panties out of your ass and sit the fuck back down.” I told him.

Suddenly interrupting our conversation, the door opened to a hysterical Vance laughing so hard he could barely walk. “What the hell can be that funny?” I ask him.

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