Page 44 of Discovering Lily

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Arriving at the warehouse, I already knew Gustavo had the area staked out and was in a position somewhere high to watched who arrived with me. As Arnoldo opened the car door for me, he scanned his eyes around the area for anything suspicious as I stepped out and buttoned up the front of my suit to hide the gun I always have strapped to my side. Giving him a nod, we made our way inside the warehouse, seeing a single light illuminating the area in a low-lit setting. It was Gustavo's usual setting he liked to have. Standing there for a few moments, I knew he was making sure that we were really alone before he made himself visible to us. But being that I was on a time limit tonight, I shouted out. “Come on Gustavo, I don't have time to dick around with you tonight. It's only Arnoldo and myself!”

Watching him as he slowly emerged from the shadows, I could clearly see the gun he had tucked in the front of his pants under his open jacket. “Just making sure you kept your word, Mr. Gatti.”

“I always do.”

“Right. So, what is it you think I can help you with?”

“I want to know what Camilla hired you for.” I stated bluntly, pretending that I’d known she had hired him for something. Even though I had no proof, I knew he was the only one who would keep such a thing from me if she did.

Frowning at me, he shook his head. “I'm afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That's bullshit and you and I both know it. You are the only one she could have hired for a job that wouldn't have the fucking respect to let me know about it.” I snapped back at him, getting pissed that he was protecting that bitch.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Even if I did know anything about what you're talking about, not that I do of course, but even if I did, I would never tell you. I do have a reputation to uphold, Mr. Gatti. How would it look if it got out that I was a sell out? No, that wouldn't be good for business. My clients rely on my ability to be discreet and keep the identities of those who hire me confidential. Besides, you know I'm not some weak little fuck that shakes in his boots at your threats.” Taking a step closer to me he continued. “If anything, you should watch your back, Mr. Gatti. You never know when the day might come that someone decides they've had enough of your bullshit and decides to hire me to take you out.”

Hearing Camilla's words running through my head about me being sorry one day, it crossed my mind that she could be the one to hire him one day. Not showing any sign of fear, I replied. “You and I both know that will never happen. In fact, I hear there is a new player on the scene stealing some of your business lately, Gustavo. Maybe it would be in my best interest to bring him into the fold to keep an ear to the ground and an eye out for old fucks like yourself, struggling to make a living off disloyal bitches like my fiancé.”

Chuckling, he asked. “Is this why you brought me here Mr. Gatti, to play this childish game of who can threaten who the best?”

“No it's not. I was hoping you would be loyal to someone who's kept you in the business you're in just for once, but I can see I was sorely mistaken for thinking that.”

Staying silent for a moment, he finally looked back up at me. “I'll tell you what, since you asked me so nicely and everything, I'll give you a small taste. Keep an eye on Luca Balducci.”

“Are you saying that he was the one to hire you?”

“No I'm not. I'm not even saying I've been hired to do anything yet. But by keeping him close you just might find out who did try to hire someone, be it myself, or my competition, as you so informed me about. But you had better hurry Mr. Gatti because I have a feeling times running out, tick tock, tick tock.” He mocked, turning to leave but then stopped, turning back to face me again. “And I'll expect my usual payment of one hundred K for the information in my account within the hour. Don't make me remind you about it, Mr. Gatti.” He threatened, glaring at me with his cold calculating eyes before disappearing into the darkness once again.

“Let's get the fuck out of here.” I told Arnoldo as we turned around to make our way back to the car. Once inside the car, I made the transfer to Gustavo's account. “We need to find out just what that bitch is keeping from me. Bring Luca to my office tomorrow morning. I want to see his face when I ask him some questions. After we've been in there for an hour, I want you to bring in my loving fiancée, because if my gut is right, he's the guy she's fucking behind my back. He's always had a hard on for her. I need to know exactly what she's keeping from me and if it has anything to do with Lillian's disappearance. Camilla is one power hungry bitch, and I wouldn't put it past her to have her own sister taken out just so she can have it.”

“You got it, sir.” Arnoldo responded.

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