Page 43 of Discovering Lily

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“No, unfortunately it's not.” I answered.

Once we'd filled Mack in on everything that happened and what we found out he finally spoke up. “That poor

girl just can't catch a break with all this nonsense.”

“She's a tough woman, Mack. Tougher than I think any of us knew.” Brice told him.

“That’s clear to see. Most people would be falling apart at this news. She seems to be holding it together pretty well.”

“She is... for now. But we do need to set up a secure perimeter around her at all times. This guy could be anywhere at anytime. His reputation for being able to get to anyone anywhere he wants is very well earned. He's extremely dangerous, so we will have Bruno joining us here at the ranch tomorrow morning as an extra set of eyes and security in case this guy tries to come after her here. And Mack, I don't want you doing anything that jeopardizes your safety either. You see someone or

something and we're not here, you call Bruno, he's been trained how to handle himself with someone like Gustavo.”

Taking a long pull off his beer, he set it down on the counter. “You boys know better than to ask me to step aside and let someone else handle things around here. If that bastard so much as steps foot onto this property, threatening her safety, I will shoot his ass right between the eyes to protect her. If Bruno happens to be around, well then, he can help, too.”

Knowing that was exactly what I had already figured he would say, I couldn’t tell you that I was surprised at all. “We appreciate that, but I don't want you going and looking for any trouble. We've kinda gotten used to having you around


“And I like living here, but I'm not going to let some two bit pip squeak put his hands on Lily.”

With that, Brice and I both nodded our heads at him in respect for his loyalty to us and Lily, then we all finished our beers in silence.

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