Page 20 of Discovering Lily

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After I’d hung up withKelan, getting an update on what he was able to find out about Gina, I went to find Vance. “We have a problem I need to talk to you about.”

“Let's go talk in my bedroom.” After he closed the door, he turned to face me. “What's going on?”

“This.” I showed him the picture on my phone of Vitale Gatti with his arm wrapped around the woman we were now calling Gina, but now knew her as Lillian Marchetti, daughter of notorious mob boss Constanzo Marchetti, thanks to the article Kelan dug up.

“Shit!” He yelled in a hushed tone as not to alert Lillian. “Says here she is his fiancée.”

“I saw that. Guess we don't need to find Vitale and ask him who she is to him now. From what Kelan was able to gather the two families, Gatti's and Marchetti's, are merging together to become one big powerhouse and the marriage between the two solidify it. But now it seems that since Lillian has gone missing, Constanzo has offered up his other daughter, Camilla, in Lillian's place. He found this picture of the two of them out last week.” I flipped to the next picture Kelan sent.

“So who the hell is it that wanted to get rid of her? And did she want to be with Vitale in the first place?” Vance asked, pacing the room.

“Do we tell her?” I asked.

Stopping to look at me I could see the same struggle in Vance's eyes that I knew were in mine. “Not yet. We need to find out more about these two families and Lillian's relationship with these people. Who knows, maybe she ran away not wanting to be a pawn in this whole merger bullshit and then somehow fell in the hands of Luciano.”

“So you think she had her own records buried?”

Pulling at his hair, he let out a frustrated breath. “I don't know. It's possible she knew someone who did it for her, but then why wipe her memory? They never did that to the rest of the women, only Keira. Was it because she saw something she shouldn't have? And even that was the case why not just erase that incident, if something like that is even possible, and leave the rest of her memory intact? No something else had to have happened for then to wipe her whole memory, but what?”

“I'll call Kelan and tell him to find out more about the engagement and her relationship with her family as well as Vitale, then let's get some sleep so we can entertain our woman tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.”

“Night,” I headed out the door to my room.

Laying in my bed, I just stared at the ceiling, hoping that the answers would come to me about what was really going on with Lillian. That name fit her pretty well, but I saw her more as a Lily myself. It just had that sweet representation like she did. A mob boss’s daughter, though? In a million years I could have never seen that one coming. I just hoped that she wasn’t her father's daughter.

The next morning, we all get up around ten AM and made plans to head out and find one of the local museums. After we’d gotten some breakfast at the hotel, we all jumped in the Land Rover, the rental car that was delivered, and set out. Finally arriving at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gina, I mean Lily, began to get excited.

“This is so cool! I can't believe we are actually here.” She practically bounced up and down in the back seat, making my mind shoot to the image of her doing that on my dick.


It's going to be one hell of a long weekend if we never get to touch her.

As we made our way into the huge building, I had to admit it was quite the view with the high ceilings and the sun peeking through the windows that lined it. I looked up. “This place is really something else.”

“It sure is. I would have never thought to come here.” Vance admitted.

“Looks like I'm the one teaching you two, something about the finer things in life.” Lily joke, winking at us. God how many times had I taken her over and over in my head since I met her while I relieved myself to her image. Too many times to count, that's for sure. I thought while trying to adjust myself.

“That you are.” Vance answered as I just stared at the smile on her face, that I wanted so desperately to always keep there. Moving through the building, we wound our way through each room. They all had their own look depending on the displays.

When we entered the section with the Van Gogh paintings, I think we're all taken aback by them.

“These are so magnificent.” Lily remarked. “I would have never thought that I would have...” Not finishing her sentence, she just stared up at the painting on the wall in silence.

I exchanged looks with Vance. “Would have what?” I asked, placing my hand on her lower back; not able to keep my hands off of her any longer.

Shaking her head, she answered. “Nothing, it's just so beautiful.” Then proceeded to walk to the next display.

“That looked like a memory popped up to me, how about you?” Vance announce for my ears only.

“She definitely started to remember something; I think. But if she did why not just tell us?”

“Not sure, maybe she wasn't even sure it really was a memory. Come on let's go before she wonders too far off.”

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