Page 19 of Discovering Lily

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The Woman (AKA Gina)

The rest of the weekflew by with Carter there to greet me when we arrived at their offices. I was quite sure that he did it mostly to mess with Brice and Vance, and it worked. They would get so mad at him that it was funny. But the nights at home? Those always seemed to crawl by. I thought back to what Carter had told me about making the first move, and then chicken out every night when I think of his warning about what happens when my memory comes back, or I find my family. It was finally Friday and we're on our way to the airport for our trip to New York and I still had no idea about the sleeping arrangements. After we'd gone through security and a call was placed to Agent Walker, verifying my temporary ID, we were finally on the plane and escorted to our seats in first class. The guys told me that they would take turns sitting with me since there were only two seats in each row. I've got to say I definitely had no problem with that.

“So, is there anything in particular you want to see in New York? I've seen you looking at all those magazines at the office about the sights to see.” Vance asked me.

“Well they seem to have the best night clubs around, so if you guys are okay going out one night, that would be fun. And of course, a museum to see all the beautiful art. Then last, the Statue of Liberty.” I told him, having it all planned out in my head everywhere I wanted to go.

He smiled with that sexy smirk I could never take my eyes off. “That's quite the list you have, but I think it's all doable.”

“I'm so excited, thank you for bringing me with you guys.”

He placed his hand on my cheek, causing me to lean into his touch. “You're very welcome. I do think just for this weekend, since the crowds do get pretty thick, we had better call you by an actual name that you know you'll answer to so we can call for you if we get separated in anyway, or just because. Don't want people to think we're being disrespectful by calling you woman.” He winked, removing his hand as we both laughed, but inside I instantly missed his touch.

“No, no I get it. Hmm a name, let me think.” Biting my bottom lip as I thought about it, I finally came up with one. “How about Gina?”

“Gina sounds good to me!” We hear Brice yell back over the seat in front of us, causing us to laugh.

“Gina it is then,” Vance said.

As Vance and I sat together, I could feel the current that stirred between us and I didn't know how much longer I’d be able to keep myself from touching him. When he and Brice switched seats, the heat between Brice and I was just as palpable.

Just like I already knew, I was definitely attracted to both of these men.

Once the plane landed and we were dropped off at the hotel, the moment of truth had arrived. I'd be finding out just where I’d be staying this weekend.

“Here are your two key cards Mr. Martinez, your rooms are on the top floor. Ben here will escort you up with your bags.” The hotel worker announced, pointing at the bellhop. I wasn’t going to lie; I was a little disappointed. With a thank you we all got into the elevator and took the long ride up.

As the doors opened, we all followed Ben down the hall to the two doors at the end that were close to each other. “Okay, this is the main room,” he said, unlocking the door and walking in to set the bags down. “And then through this door here to the left is the attached guest bedroom.” He opened the door. “Now it does have its own outside entrance and bathroom as well, so you don't have to share a bathroom with the others in the main room. In fact, all the bedrooms have an en suite bathroom.” Handing Vance the two key cards he asked. “Will there be anything else I can do for you, sir?”

“No, that will be all for now, thank you.” Vance answered, taking the key cards from him, giving the man a twenty.

“Thank you. I hope you all enjoy your stay here with us,” the bellhop said before leaving.

“Here is the card key to your room, Gina.” Vance said with a grin, testing out my new name. “It's nice to finally be able to call you something other than woman.”

“I agree” Brice added, reaching for his phone that was going off in his pocket. “Richard’s here.” He answered, walking away, leaving Vance and I alone.

“Why don't you go get washed up and get some sleep. We'll head out in the morning after we get a few hours of shut eye.”

I nodded, trying to stifle a yawn. “What time is it anyway?”

“It's two AM.”

“Well then, I will see you two in the morning.” I picked up my bag and headed to my room.


I turned back to face him. “Yes?”


“Goodnight, Vance.” I continued to walk into my bedroom before shutting the door behind me and falling onto the bed.

I'd been just about to fall asleep when I heard Brice come back into the room I just left. “We have a problem I need to talk to you about.” Was all I heard him say before I heard a door shut, taking their voices with it.

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