Page 62 of Protecting Keira

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When Keira ran offafter mumbling something, I took off after her, trying to get her to come back. When she doesn't stop, I called out to Vance and Brice to get their attention on her and we all took off after her. Catching up to the woman in front of her, Keira jumped on top of her, knocking both of them to the ground before jumping back on top of the woman and punching her over and over, screaming out at her until we were able to finally get them separated. After Keira told me what she did to her and the humiliation she felt, I wanted to shoot this woman right here where she stood, but I wouldn't put Keira through any more violent acts than I already had today. When Vance, and Brice dragged the woman away, Keira finally cracked wide open and let it all out as I held her tightly, keeping all her pieces together like I'd always told her I would. "I've got you baby, just let it all out. I'll hold you together. I'm not going to let you break." I assured her over and over again until I could feel she knew the truth in my words.

Once she started to calm down, I guided her back towards the car’s we came in to get her to safety before I finished this nightmare that Luciano and Pablo had created, once and for all. After she was safely in the car with the woman she was looking for, I kissed her and reassured her that I would be right back before shutting the door and telling the two men posted beside it not to let anyone near them.

Heading back into the entrance area, I caught up with Larson. "Is everything in place and ready to go?"

"All of the rooms have been rigged to blow and this place will soon be nothing but a pile of rocks."


"Hey, we ready to get this over with?" Carter questioned, walking up with Hudson, Brice, and Vance in tow.

"Just about," Larson answered.

"What about all the women and limo drivers?" Vance asked.

"The women are being loaded onto a bus over there," he pointed outside. "They will be returned to their families once we figure out who they all are, and they’ve been looked at. As for the drivers, they are being allowed to leave once they sign the NDA (nondisclosure agreement) we had made up for them. If they tell anyone what happened here today, they will be brought up on charges that will hold a life sentence. Most of them are just thankful to be able to go home and get out of this situation. Everyone else involved, including the buyers and men who worked for the operation, are either dead or inside."

"You know, you don't have to be a part of this. You and the other agents can all go and we’ll finish this up ourselves." I told him, knowing that what he and the other agents had done for Hudson and I already went against every law they were sworn to uphold.

"Not a chance. We all knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into the moment we signed up to help you get Keira back. Besides, I'm doing this for my niece, too. That way the next time I see her, I can tell her that everyone of those bastards that hurt her, and all those other innocent women and young girls, are dead and gone. Plus, after I close the biggest case the FBI has ever seen, I'm resigning and starting my own business to work with families that have lost a loved one to human trafficking and try to help get them back."

"That's very commendable of you, man. If you ever need any help, you know you can always call us," Vance said, shaking his hand.

"Thank you. I might just take you up on that some day. Well, are you gentlemen ready to get this over with then? I've got a flight back to D.C. to catch so I can put the last nail in this coffin before it’s done and buried," Larson said as we all gave him a nod and strode over to where Agent Walker was speaking with Santino.

"Is everything ready?" Larson asked, approaching them.

"Ready." Walker, and Santino answered together.

"Let's get this bus out of here then, and all the limo drivers as well. I don't want them witnessing anymore than they already have today." Larson ordered.

After the women and drivers were gone and every one of our men were out of the mountain side and accounted for, Brody and I walked over to the car that held Keira and the girl inside. When I opened the door, Keira leapt forward and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, kissing me. "God, I missed you. I hate being away from you for even a minute."

"Well you're not going to have to be that much longer, but I need you to do something for me."

"What?" She asked me tentatively.

"I need you to leave with Brody here and go to his home with him. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"No! I want to stay here with you, please don't send me away," she begged with fear in her eyes.

"Look at me." I ordered, cupping her face. "I know you're scared and that you've been to Hell and back in the last forty-eight hours, but I need you to listen to me and know that what I'm doing is for your own good. You don't need to be here anymore for this. Please just let me keep you safe and do this for us. Let me bury this nightmare we've been forced to live my way, once and for all."

A tear escaped down her cheek and I brushed away with my thumb. "Okay, but you have to promise me something."

"What's that?"

"That you will come back to me safe and sound as soon as this is all over, you hear me? I can't lose you. I won't," she placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I promise nothing will get in my way of getting back to you." I assured her, kissing her one more time before I looked at Brody. "Take good care of her for me."

"You know I will, brother," he shook my hand and got into the car before I shut the door and watched them drive away.

Walking back over to where everyone was gathered, far away from the mountainside, Walker picked up the three triggers and handed them to Larson, Hudson, and I, knowing that the three of us had been the ones wronged the most by this whole operation.

"On the count of three," Larson announced, standing in the middle of us. All of us together call out the numbers. "One, two, three."


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