Page 63 of Protecting Keira

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Agent Larson

Once the mountainsidewas blown, every one of us celebrated with hoots and hollers and high fives. Some would say that what we did here today made us no better than the people we killed, but I would ask them this; wouldn't you do anything you had to do to get your wife, girlfriend, sister or daughter back and make them feel safe again? It was what made the decision, that had been bouncing around in my head since we rescued Presley and took out Pablo, to finally quit the FBI and start my own business that much easier.

Once we had parted ways with Porter and the others, my agents and I boarded the plane with Agent Jackson in cuffs and headed back to D.C. to finish this whole thing off. Lucky for me I had a very good informant helping me out with this whole thing, and when Director Henson found out just who it was, I wanted to be there to see the look on his face.

After I'd called the DA and worked out a plea bargain for Agent Jackson, reducing his sentence to five years, which killed me to have to do, he sung like a canary about everything that him and Director Henson were involved in and agreed to testify at his trial. And just for insurance purposes, I made him sign an NDA that if he ever spoke of what went down in Mexico that his five-year deal would be revoked, and the full weight of the law would come down on him. Even after he'd been released from prison. Needless to say, he was more than happy to sign it.

Once the plane had landed and we all deplaned, Agent Jackson was officially taken into custody while Agent Johnson was taken to the hospital to be treated for his gunshot wound. Myself, and Agents Walker, and Turner got into our car and headed to Director Henson's home, where I was told he was at right now.

Finally arriving at the last stop in this rollercoaster of a nightmare, I knocked on the front door and we were greeted by his wife, Mary. "Agent Larson, it's good to see you again."

"Good to see you as well ma'am, is he here?" I asked, feeling a stab of guilt, knowing that I was about to blow her whole world apart.

Looking past me to the other two Agents behind me, she said, "ahh, y-yes, yes, please do come in. Is he expecting you?"

"No, I'm afraid this is an impromptu visit, ma'am." I informed her, watching the look that materialized on her face with the realization that this wasn’t a friendly visit.

"Follow me, he's in his office," she said, guiding us through the house until we reached the door.

"I'm going to have to ask you to wait in the other room while we speak to him." I informed her.

"This has something to do with all those secrets he's been keeping, doesn't it?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not at liberty to say anymore until I speak with the Director, ma’am."

"I just knew that man was up to no good," she mumbled as she turned to walk away.

Looking at the other two Agents, I pulled my weapon out and asked, "Are you ready to do this?"

When both of them nodded at me, I knocked on the door.

"What is it, Mary?" he called out, thinking it was his wife who had knocked.

Opening the door, I stepped through with my gun raised and pointed at his head. "What the hell is..." The surprise was evident on his face at the sight of Walker and me being alive. "Agent Larson, I was told that you and Agent Walker were dead. What a relief it is to see you’re not. " Looking between us, he asked. "What's going on here? What's the meaning of you coming into my home and pointing a gun at me?!" he shouted, standing up.

"I think you know why I'm here, sir. We have Agent Jackson in custody now and he's told us about everything you two were involved in with Luciano. The kidnapping of Keira Watson, the human trafficking operation, and the attempted murder on mine and Agent Walker's lives as well as the murder of Senator Watson."

"That's preposterous! He's obviously lying to protect himself! You can't possibly believe him over me!" he shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk.

"No, but they might believe me."

Looking beyond myself and the other agents, he spotted the one person who would bury him. "Devan?" He asked in disbelief that his own son would go against him. "How could you do this to me?"

"How could I do this to you?!" Devan shouted back at him. "How could you destroy all of those women's lives and take them away from their families?! You are a sick sonofabitch and you need to be stopped before you hurt anyone else! I'm done with your threats and I'm done with hiding your filth!" He snapped out at him.

"That's enough. Cuff him." I ordered Agent Walker.

"I’d be happy to," he smirked, pulling out his handcuffs and securing them on Director Henson hands behind his back.

As we walked him out the front door with Mary trailing behind and asking questions, he said. "You're finished Larson, you know that? Nothing is going to happen to me, and I'm going to make damned sure you never work another day as an FBI Agent."

"Well I'm going to save you the time, sir. Because after this case is over and you’re rotting away in your cell, I'm resigning." I stated flatly as I helped secure him in the vehicle that was going to deliver him to his new rightful home.

The state penitentiary.

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