Page 24 of Protecting Keira

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Knowing after what went down earlier, when we were in the bar, I excused myself so that Vance and Keira had a chance to talk things out. Listening to what both her and Vance had to say warmed my heart even more for the two people in that room, knowing they both wanted to make sure that I didn’t feel like I was going to lose Keira in anyway. Not that I didn't already know that, but it really sealed it for me to move things forward with her. Chuckling to myself at the turn of events since the last time I was listening in on Keira and another man talk, I couldn't help the sharp dagger I felt in my heart and wondered just where we would be together in life right now had I not acted on a knee jerk reaction and just heard her out all those years ago.

Would we be living on my ranch and happy? Would we have kids running around?

Bottom line was, I fucked up. I fucked it all up over pride.

Not wanting to waste anymore time on past regrets, I left the bathroom to join her and Vance. "How are things going out here?" I asked, walking in on them sitting on the bed facing one another.

Both of them turned to look up at me at the same time. "Good. Really good,” Keira said, getting up and walking around the bed to me. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she pulled me down and kissed me on the lips before burying her head into my chest.

Getting off the bed, Vance stood. "Well I'm going to head on out so you two can get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Leaving my side, Keira walked over to Vance and kissed him on the cheek as she leaned up to hug him. "Goodnight. And thank you for your honesty, it really meant a lot to me."

Kissing her forehead, he smiled at her. "Of course sweetness, you're welcome." Walking over to me, he shook my hand. "We good?"

"Always brother," I said, hugging him. "We'll see you tomorrow at 7am. Our flight leaves at 10."

"See you then." He smiled at Keira once more before shutting the door behind him when he left the room.

Walking back over, she wrapped her arms around my waist and looked up at me. "I can see why you trust him with your life now. After our conversation we just had, I still don’t really know him, but I trust him, too."

I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "He's a good man, baby. And if this is something you want to do, I know he will take care of you the way I would, of that, I have no doubt." Hugging her tighter, I pulled her towards the bed. "Come on, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

When we met up with Vance in his room early the next morning, he handed us our fake ID's that he’d had made up for our flight to Montana. With these, Porter and Vance said no one would be able to track us. "Here you are Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Janessa Williams," Vance said, handing us our new ID’s.

"Thank you, Mr.?" I asked, waiting for his new name.

"That's Mr. Hunter Adams," Vance answered me, chuckling. "Okay, now that we all know who we are, what do you say we get a move on it and get this little lady to a safe place?" Vance said.

"I'm all for that," I answered as we all piled out of the room and into the elevator to make our way to the lobby and check out.

"Hey." Vance said, grabbing my attention.

I looked over at him. "What?"

He motioned to Keira. "Do you think Tits McGee will be there this morning to check us out?" he chuckled, knowing how much shit our arrangement she thought we had with Keira had given her.

"Well I’d..."

"If she is, she had better not set her eyes on you," Keira interjected, cutting me off just as the elevator doors opened up to reveal one Tits McGee standing at the front desk. Exchanging a smirk with Vance, I knew we both couldn't wait for what Keira would do as we heard her say, "Come along boys," she grabbed a hold of both of our arms, effectively sandwiching herself between the two of us as she ushered us out the elevator towards a very wide-eyed Tits, who stood at the front desk. "Hi, we need to check out." Keira announced in a bubbly tone.

"Umm sure. Do you have your keys for both rooms?"

"Right here," Keira smiled, handing over both keys she'd taken from Vance and I.

As she processed our bills, Vance and I looked to one another, wondering if Keira was going to say anymore to her, but as we finished up at the front desk, the only thing she said was, "thank you," and smiled back at Tits, who thanked us as we all strode out the doors together, arm in arm.

Once inside our rental SUV, Keira started to giggle. "I thought for sure you’d have more to say to her for hitting on me last night. "

"Do you even know how good it feels to even have the option to just say whatever I wanted to say without the backlash from the press and whoever else? It really is a freedom like I've never known before. But she had enough of our teasing last night and I just couldn't torture her anymore."

Knowing just how she'd always had to watch her every move in life, I turned to look at her in the backseat. "I love that you feel you can just be who you really are now, and not the robot they wanted you to be, baby. But I really love that you have that caring heart even more."

Watching the smile that blossomed over her face, I knew that I wanted to look at that beautiful smile of hers every day for the rest of my life.

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