Page 23 of Protecting Keira

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After we'd had a fewdrinks, the conversation about Porter and I and all the shit that had been going on lately was our main topic. But after that kiss with Vance, I had to say my mind had been reeling ever since with flashes in my head of the two of them and me. But every time the images in my mind got intense, guilt stung my heart at the idea of having them both and possibly hurting Porter in the process. I knew he said he trusted Vance but...well maybe it was just my own fear that I'd lose him again, knowing how he reacted when he saw me just kissing another man. I could only hope that if something did happen with all three of us, that Porter and I stayed as we were now. Because given the choice, I would always choose us over any stupid fantasy any day.

When I returned from the bathroom, the first thing I noticed was Vance staring at me with a carnal look in his eyes, and I instantly knew that he'd been informed of my little fantasy, making me blush. When he asked me to sit next to him, I looked at Porter for some kind of assurance that this was okay. When he ushered me to go ahead with a kiss to my forehead, I still moved with caution, needing more reassurance that this was okay with him. When Vance beckoned me to get closer, I slowly moved towards him, then suddenly I was pressed up against his very solid, muscular chest. He leaned down and whispers in my ear. "I think that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," then began to kiss down my neck before taking me in a deep kiss that had my core lighting up like the fourth of July. Even though the kiss with Vance made my panties practically melt off my body, it wasn’t the same kind of feeling that I got with Porter when we kissed.

After he broke the kiss, giving me some lame excuse about thinking he saw Tits McGee coming by. After it was over, we just sat and stared at each other for a moment before I realized where we still were. And most importantly, Porter was watching. "Well I think you're safe now." I told him, my need to be next to Porter growing at a breakneck speed. After I moved back over to take my seat next to Porter again, I noticed him and Vance exchange a look with one another just before Vance got up to leave, or that was what I thought he was doing. But instead, he was now sliding into our side of the booth and moving me over closer towards Porter, effectively sandwiching me between the two of them. Looking at Porter, he pulls my chin up and asked. "Are you okay with this, him knowing about your fantasy?"

Feeling Vance's heated body pressing at my back, I nodded my head. "Yes, I'm okay with it. But are you okay with this?"

Leaning down, he kissed my lips. "Baby, you have done everything I've ever asked of you sexually, so yes, I trust Vance enough to make this happen for you. But like I said, nothing's going to happen that you don't want to happen tonight. Right now, he just wants to get a feeling for you. Your likes, dislikes, and needs. I'm okay with this, just remember that. You and I are calling the shots, so if at any time one of us grows uncomfortable with this, all we have to do is say the word and it stops, no remorse, no guilt. Okay?"

Feeling Vance's hands on my hips, he slowly slid them up my sides and back down as I held Porter's gaze. "Okay." Leaning down, Porter took me in a deep kiss, moving his tongue in and out of my mouth as if he's fucking me with it. Feeling Vance's hands sliding upwards again, closer to my breasts, I couldn't help but look around to see if anyone were looking at us and what we're doing in this dark corner, but no one seemed to care. They were all too involved in their own dates or conversations. When Vance's hands reached my breasts, he cups them, giving them a squeeze just as Porter's hand slid under my dress and pushed my panties aside, sinking two fingers inside of me.

Letting out a moan at the feel of their hands on me, it was quickly muffled by Porter's kiss. Suddenly both of them withdrawal their hands from me at the same time, but slyly, when the waitress came back to our table to check on us. The loss left my body buzzing with need just from their touch alone. I kept my face lowered while she stood there, knowing that if I even attempted to look up, she would see what was really going on here written all over my face. After the guys told her that we were fine and asked for the check, the butterflies in my stomach instantly took flight, wondering just what was going to happen next. I knew Porter said nothing was going to happen if I didn't want it to tonight, but I couldn't help but wonder if it were him that wasn’t ready for things to go any further. Shit, who knows if I would even really ready for this. It all sounded so great in theory, but Vance being here now in the flesh and the possibility of it happening only being one word away, I just didn't know if I could actually go through with it. Drawing me out of my bickering thoughts, I heard Porter ask. "Are you ready to go back upstairs?"

Nodding my head as my only answer, I slid out of the booth, helped to stand up onto shaky legs by Vance as he smiled down at me as if he knew I was dessert. "Nothing's going to happen tonight, Keira. I just want to get to know you better, okay?" he pulled me in closer to give me a chaste kiss on the lips before turning me to walk in front of them both. After we paid the check, Porter wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in and kissing the top of my head. The action instantly soothed me, just like it always did. Making our way across the lobby and towards the elevator, I looked over to my left and spotted a very pissed off Tits McGee, watching us with a glare that could melt steel. It instantly kicked me right in the ass and raised my confidence level. Moving my hands down, I cupped both Vance and Porter’s asses as I turned and winked at her when we entered the elevator. But as soon as the elevator doors shut, the air suddenly became so thick it almost caused me to choke. We rode up in relative silence, the only words being exchanged between the two of them are about dinner and how good the food was. I on the other hand just stood between them looking up in awe of them, and what might happen. When the doors opened on our floor, all of us got out and walked down the hallway to mine and Porter’s room. As we approached our door, Vance wrapped his hand around my arm, pulling me to face him. "Are you okay with me joining you two for a nightcap, Keira?"

Looking at Porter, he nodded back to me, letting me know he was okay with this. "Sure, I'm okay with that."

"Thank you," he said, leaning down to kiss me on my cheek.

When we entered the room, Porter excused himself and went into the bathroom. Unsure really of what to do, I asked Vance "Would you like a beer?"

Walking over to me with a predatory stare, he smiled. "That would be nice, thank you." Pausing for a moment, I strode over to grab the beer out of the small refrigerator and brought it back to him. When I turned to walk away, he reached out to grab my arm, stopping me. "Will you please sit down and tell me about this fantasy of yours?" My stomach plummeted at his request to voice my deepest darkest secrets. And it was as if he could read my trepidation. "I'm not asking you this to embarrass you Keira, I'm asking you so I can help Porter give you what you need. If I go into this whole situation blind things can go wrong, and I really don't want him kicking the living shit out of me if I do the wrong thing," he chuckled, making me laugh with him, but knowing there was also truth behind his words.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Absolutely, I'm an open book." He smiled back at me.

"Is it weird for the women you and Brice share? Like do they freak out when they find out you two are going to share them?" Letting out a breath, I tried to assure him that I wasn’t judging him, I was just curious. "I'm sorry if my questions are too personal, it's just I've never done anything like this before and I'm really nervous about it. I mean, I want to, but I'm just not willing to risk anything I have with Porter to make this whole fantasy of mine come true, no matter how much I want it. What I guess I'm trying to say is... I know that Porter trusts you, but I just met you and I don't want to feel rushed or like that this is something you expect to happen between us now that you know."

He shook his head before looking me squarely in the eyes. "To answer your first question, no it's not weird. Was it in the beginning? Yes. But now he and I both know our, for lack of better words, positions when we are with a woman. It's become something that's natural to us, but to answer your second question, yes, every woman that he and I meet either together or separately know that she will be shared between us if it gets to that stage in the conversation." Reaching out to take a hold of my hand, he pulled me down to sit on the bed with him. "Look, I have had a lot of women tell me that it's their biggest fantasy to be with two men, but when it comes right down to it, most of them back out at the last minute. And that is completely okay with both Brice and I. The last thing we would ever want is for a woman to freak out right in the middle of things, not that we wouldn't stop if she did, because we would. We give every woman we are with a safe word. That way we know when it's said that it’s game over, she's not having a good time anymore and we need to stop now. And as far as expecting anything from you because I know about your fantasy, that's not even going to happen, because I have far too much love and respect for Porter and that extends to you as well because you mean so much to him. We take care of one another and are there for each other no matter what, and I would kill myself before I ever did anything to fracture our brotherhood." Pointing to the bathroom door, he continued. "That man and I have fought side by side and saved each other's asses on more occasions than I can even count. Porter, as well as our other brothers are my family, and you just don't fuck with family. Does that answer your questions?"

Staring at him for a moment, I could see why Porter trusted him so much because after hearing what he had to say, I did now, too. "Yes, it does. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for your respect and reassurance, it means more to me than you can possibly imagine. Coming from the backstabbing world of politics I’ve lived in for so long, I can really see why Porter trusts you so much. I'm really happy that he has you and the others in his life." I told him with a tightness in my chest, wishing that I’d had the kind of friendship with someone like Vance and his brother's in my life. Someone who just has your back instead of stabbing you in it.

Leaning forward, he kissed my cheek. "And like I said earlier that all extends to you now that you're an important part of Porter’s life. Anytime you need any of us, never hesitate to reach out. One thing I do want to make truly clear before moving forward though is, if you are afraid in any way that it will be too awkward to see me after anything happens with us, then don't do it. The last thing I want is you to feel uncomfortable around me, okay?"

Nodding my head, I told him. "Okay, thank you," then I hugged him tight and kissed him on his cheek.

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