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"Don't," Audra laughs. "You know I'm not supposed to be in hot water for long periods of time."

Matt stands up, runs a hand over her flat, bare stomach. "I know. You have to keep the baby safe."

She reaches an arm out, playfully tugs on his wet hair. "Come with me."

She doesn't have to ask twice because Matt hops out of the jacuzzi, then they're off to do...well, I can only imagine what.

"You OK?" Kyle asks when we're finally alone.

I scoot closer, lean into his hard body beside me, peer up at him. "I will be once he knows, and we don't have to hide anymore."

"I need to tell my parents," he says as he takes a swig of beer and sets the bottle down behind him.

His arm wraps around my waist and I melt into him. "How do you think they'll react?"

Kyle shrugs. "I haven't brought a girl home since Hannah, so they'll probably be shocked."

My hand finds his thigh and I lean my head back, so it rests on his shoulder. "I'm afraid everyone will react badly."


I twist to face Kyle, my hand traveling further up his leg. "Because you're you and I'm me."

"That doesn't make any sense," he shakes his dark head.

"I just mean that I like people not knowing, not having an opinion." My shoulders slump. "My mom didn't handle it well and she loves you like a son. What will everyone else say?"

"Who gives a fuck," Kyle grins. "I love you and I want everyone to know."

I nod my head. Someone turns off the lights in the living room, shrouding us in darkness except for the dim, golden glow of the outdoor lantern.

Kyle's hand finds my chin and he turns it up so our lips are close enough to touch. "I love you, Jenny."

My heart swells, expands, inflates. "I love you, too."

He kisses me softly, his velvety lips moving languidly against mine. He tastes like beer and home. I get on top of him, straddle his legs, slide my hands down his stomach as the hot water bubbles and steam floats around us.

He reaches behind me, unties the bikini top from my neck. It falls, exposing my swollen breasts to him. His hands find them, massage them, tease them.

I reach for his swim trunks, tug gently on them.

"Take them off," I whisper into his ear.

His eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn't say anything. His hands leave my chest, and he reaches below the foaming water, slides his bathing suit down his legs as I lift up, give him room to move. My hand slides along his lower stomach before taking him into my hand. I stroke him slowly as he hardens beneath my touch.

Kyle leans back as I pull my bikini bottom to the side, guide him to my entrance and then sink down onto him in one fluid motion.

His forehead rests against mine. One hand goes to the back of my neck while the other wraps around my waist.

"Fuck, Jenny," he rasps.

I move up and down, watch his eyes travel the length of my face, rake over my exposed chest as the water laps and ripples and splashes over the edge, swallows the sound of our heavy breathing and the quiet moans that fall from his lips.

The water is hot, but it's Kyle's hands on me that burn my skin.

"Please," I exhale as my fingers run through his hair. "Don't ever leave me. I won't survive."

"I'll never leave you," he promises as his hips buck up, hitting a deeper spot inside of me.
