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We stay that way until we both lose ourselves in each other, clutching one another, promising each other forever, refusing to break apart.

I don't know how much time passes, but Kyle gets out first to keep up our cover. I stay in the warm water, peer up at the clear sky, a dark canvas spotted with brightly lit stars. My heartbeat slows and my body relaxes.

After a few minutes, I turn off the jacuzzi, get out and wrap the towel around me. I take one last look at the dark ocean in the distance, unable to see anything. But I can hear the waves kissing the shoreline and I smile.

I slide the glass door shut behind me as I enter the house. A hand clamps down on my forearm, long French-manicured nails digging into my flesh.

I look up, see her green eyes boring into me in the dark shadows of the living room. I swallow hard, "Diane."

She opens her mouth and reeks like alcohol as she breathes on my face. "You couldn't get Matt to sleep with you, so you go after my oldest son? Seduce him? Force him to have sex with you?"

I shake my head as her nails dig deeper into my skin. "No, that's not what happened."

"You little slut," she slurs.

"Wait, were you watching us?" I shiver from the thought. There's no way...

"What if I was?" she spits, her fingers and palm crushing my arm.

"You're hurting me," I tell her, my voice shaky and panicked. I try to pull out of her taloned grasp, but she holds on tighter, refusing to let go.

"Mom?" I hear Kyle's voice behind me. But her eyes, they're so full of...hatred. And it's all directed at me.

I find myself shrinking, shrinking in size and gall and gumption. I've never been afraid of her before but, right now, I'm terrified.

Kyle's hand wraps over his mom's and he shoves her off of me.

"What are you doing?" he glares at her.

"She's using you, Kyle," Diane runs her hand over her eyes, stumbles backward.

Kyle steps in front of me, shielding me from his mother. "You're drunk. Go to bed."

"You better not tell her," Diane warns lowly. "I'll make sure you pay for it."

Kyle steps closer to his mom, his face inches from hers. "Don't you threaten Jenny or me ever again. Or I'll make sure Dad finds out who you really are."

He doesn't give her a chance to respond. Instead, his arm finds my waist and he leads me through the house, to the bathroom Matt almost caught us in a few days ago.

"Sh-she was watching us," I cry as hot tears fall down my face. He shuts the door. Flicks on the light. "Kyle, she saw us."

He moves me to the vanity and helps me sit on top of it. He carefully takes my arm in his hand, looks over the bleeding nail cuts and the bruise that's starting to form from his mother's fingers.

"Kyle," I try again. "What's wrong with her?"

But he doesn't answer.

Because he doesn't know.

Chapter 35

He digs around for a towel under the sink, finds one, and runs it under the warm water. I watch as he carefully cleans each nail mark, wiping the blood and Diane's insanity away with every swipe of the terry cloth, rough against my smooth skin.

A few tears slip down my cheeks, drip onto my bare legs. I close my eyes, try to stop the tears, but all I see are her empty green orbs staring back at me. My heart rate spikes, my palms start sweating and fresh tears form.

Kyle's kisses linger, his lips soft and healing against the half-moon cuts. Then, he runs his fingers delicately over my bruised forearm, assessing the damage his mother has done.

It's not until he wraps his strong arms around me that I let out the sob I've been holding in. The humiliation of her watching us have sex in the jacuzzi. Then her attacking me. Physically and emotionally. The terror eating away at my thoughts.
