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Kyle kisses my lips, "Yes, my girlfriend."

And even though I know we shouldn't, I snake my hand down his stomach, slide it over his hard length. "Can we finish now?"

After the shower incident, Kyle and I decided it was best to keep our distance for the rest of the trip. We didn't sit near each other on the beach. Didn't walk back to the house alone together. Didn't even say a word to one another. Matt made a comment about how strange it was that Kyle hadn't insulted me once the entire trip. Everyone ignored him.

But as the days passed by excruciatingly slow, I made up my mind. We need to tell Matt when we get back. Before Kyle goes back to Boulder.

"Come on, Jen," Matt whines, yanking on my arm. "Get in the jacuzzi with us. It's our last night here."

Audra's perched on the edge, a glass of lemonade in hand, her feet dipping into the sweltering, white-bubbling water. Mom, Diane and Randy are drinking glasses of wine and talking about the high-profile case Diane just got handed. Then there's Kyle, sitting with an arm draped over the only open seat, nursing a beer between his perfect lips.

"" I struggle to find a way to get out of it. To stay far away from Kyle for twelve more hours.

"You're not seriously going to go watch the Rockies' game with your dad, are you?" Matt rolls his eyes.

"Fine," I clear my throat. "I'll go get my swimsuit."

Audra raises her eyebrows, shocked I caved so easily. I ignore her.

I have a black string bikini hidden in my suitcase. I had planned on torturing Kyle with it, but after we decided to stay away from each other, I had tucked it far away, not wanting to tempt him. Or myself. But now, as I hold it in my hands, I decide it wouldn't hurt to wear it on our last night here.

I slip it on and walk down the stairs, a blue beach towel wrapped around my body. I pass by Dad, who's yelling at the TV screen. Not a good sign. Guess the Rockies aren't playing well today. That'll put him in a bad mood.

I step out onto the back patio of the beach house, hear the waves crashing in the distance, smell the salty sea as a warm breeze cuts through the open space.

I discard the towel on a lounge chair and then climb the stairs to get in the jacuzzi. Mom scoots aside to let me in, eyes my bathing suit suspiciously before turning back to Diane.

"Jesus, Jen," Matt gapes, the soft yellow glow of the outdoor light streaking across his face.

I shoot him an annoyed look. "Don't even."

He lifts his hands in defense. "Just didn't expect to see you in something so revealing."

"Not like you haven't seen what's under it," I mumble loud enough so only he can hear.

"Wow," he shakes his head slowly, looking offended.

Kyle takes another sip of his beer as I sit in the only open seat beside him. The tension between us is taut, ripe and feral. I need him. But, more than that, I want him. And denying both him and me physical touch has been the hardest thing I've ever done. To keep a safe distance. To pretend we don't mean all these things to each other now.

How do I explain to Matt how much I love Kyle without hurting him?

Should I even care that he'll get hurt? It's not like he cared when he was breaking my heart. Repeatedly.

It seems stupid now to keep this thing a secret. Mom knows. Audra knows. While both have safeguarded our secret, I know it's about to blow up in all our faces if we don't tell Matt soon. And it's starting to keep me awake at night.

Matt leans back, brushes his shoulder against Audra's thigh. I expect her to move away, but she seems to push her leg further into him. He peers up at her while she takes another sip of lemonade, pretending not to notice their bodies so close together. There's an undeniable spark there. Maybe they can't see it, but from where I'm sitting, I understand now. Why he asked her to Prom. Why he slept with her. They're like two magnets. Well, when they're not fighting.

Matt's hand finds her ankle and I watch as she peers down at him, licks her lips. Then he's inching up her calf and I look away, not interested in watching the moment unfold any further.

That's when I feel Kyle's hand on my thigh. I glance over at him, see the dark, hooded gaze in his eyes.

His fingers trail up, teasing me. I swallow thickly, bite down on my lower lip to suppress the smile threatening to overtake my face.

But then we feel a splash of heat as Audra's pulled into the boiling water. Matt's laughter trills through the backyard, then Audra's. Mom, Diane and Randy take that as their cue to leave while Audra pushes Matt's head under the water, giving her a chance to escape, back to her perched position on the edge of the jacuzzi.

Matt comes up for air and he looks dazed, maybe a little shocked, but mostly smitten.
