Page 36 of Quarterback Keeper

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My fork halted halfway to its destination. I wrestled with wanting to shove it in my mouth or answering the impossible question. The steely look in her eyes had me putting the fork down and giving her my full attention.

“You can’t keep shielding me, Kylian. I’ve been dealing with your father a lot longer than you have.”

“Why is that? With how selfish and manipulative he is, why did you choose him?” The words were out before I could stop them. “I’m sorry.”

She waved away my apology and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear before letting her hand fall back onto her lap.

“It’s just… you’re opposites. And from what I can tell, you don’t have any common interests.”

“We have you.”

I snorted, and a rueful smile curved her lips.

“Your dad is very handsome, and I knew he was going places when I married him. I thought we had the same goals and similar enough dreams. Other than having you and your pursuits, I came to realize that we didn’t.” She pursed her lips.“When the going got tough, he left, which was fine. I’m glad I didn’t have to share you. Every moment was a blessing.”

I hated it when she said things like that last part. It always felt like she was saying goodbye, and the idea of living without her was more than I could take.

“Now, I’ve answered your question. Why don’t you tell me what else is bothering you because it’s written all over you?”

I scrubbed my hands over my face, wishing she couldn’t read me so well. But if anyone could make sense of the corner Dad had backed me into, it was her. “He’s forced me to make a deal that will hurt Gia. I don’t want to do it, but the apartment that you’re living in depends on it. And… he’s going to dig into her past with the intent to destroy her. I don’t have a choice.” I didn’t want to go into the money problem and her treatments.

“You don’t have a choice about what?” Her sharp voice cut into the thick of the problem. “This is just a place.”

“But it means so much to you. Whenever I try to get you to move, you tell me it’s where you want to be and nothing will change that.”

“I do like it here. There are just so many memories and good neighbors. They’re friends. We look out for one another. I never wanted to invade your college world, not like that.”

“Mom.” I leaned forward and gave her hand a brief squeeze. “You wouldn’t.”

She drew in a long, slow breath before releasing it. “Let’s circle back to the heart of the problem. You always have a choice, especially where your father is concerned. Don’t let him threaten what you might have with Gia.”

Might. She still wasn’t convinced Gia and I were in a relationship. And she was right. It was fake, but it sure as hell felt real.

“Whatever deal you made with him, forget it. You let me worry about that man. I have an arsenal of secrets I’m notafraid to use if he tries to hurt you. Nobody, Illinois senatorial candidate or not, will hurt my kid.” She stood and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m heading to bed. I suggest you do the same.” Pausing in the doorway, she narrowed her eyes, and the fire returned that had been there before all the rounds of chemo. “Let me handle him, and you’ll see that everything will be fine.”

I stretched out my legs and rolled my shoulders, easing the tension. As I shoveled down the rest of my dinner, I wished I could believe everything would be okay, but I didn’t. I knew my dad, and when he wanted something as badly as he did this, nothing would stand in his way—not even family.

After washing my dishes and putting them away, I shut off the light and carefully went through the living room and down the short hallway until I was at my door. No light shone underneath. Slowly, I opened it and slipped inside. The blinds were up, and moonlight slanted through the window, spilling over Gia’s sleeping form. She lay curled on her side, her face turned toward me. I gently set down my bag, but the scuffing sound must’ve woken her because her eyelids fluttered open.

She sat up, drawing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “You can turn on the light.”

I hesitated momentarily, preferring to keep my secrets in the dark, but they would inevitably come out. She deserved to know. I flipped the switch, and she blinked a few times, adjusting to the change.

“Your dad never stopped by,” she said while I moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“How was your time with Mom?” I was stalling but also genuinely wanted to know.

“Great.” A soft smile curved her lips. “I cooked for her and told her stories about living with my uncle, and she shared some hilarious ones about you.”

“I bet she did.”

Her smile fell away at my flat tone. “What happened?”

Better to rip off the Band-Aid. “My dad forced me into the deal. I’m going to date Melanie, then he thinks I’ll eventually propose. I need to find a way out of it, but for now, I have to go along with his crazy scheme. You don’t need to worry. I’ll still pay the contract, and you can live on the boat for as long as you need,” I rushed ahead to assure her when her face shuddered. I hated it. I wanted to feel her warmth, not the wall she erected between us again.

I hated hurting her, but I needed to protect her from my dad, and he was gunning for her—and Mom—if I didn’t fall in line.


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