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“I don’t understand, Brynn,” Mom said.

Jace and Chance each took one of Brynn’s hands in theirs. We were all in this together, but it helped to see the support.

“I don’t have a lot of information, but he met with an arms dealer a few months ago. He’s in deep, and he’s played you, Catherine. He’s dangerous. Please, please hire security and stay safe.” Brynn’s eyes welled up. “I’m planning on doing the same if I’m not with one of these guys.”

I glanced at Brynn. “One of us will be with you at all times, but if you want a bodyguard, I’ll take care of it.”

My attention zeroed in on Mom again. “I’ll talk to Pierce and have a bodyguard waiting for you when you return from your trip.”

“Thank you, honey. I’m not sure when I’ll be home. These trips can take a while, but I’ll give you plenty of notice.” A sob escaped and tears rolled down Mom’s cheeks. “Does River know all of this?”

“Yeah.” I realized Mom would have more questions, but for now, I needed her help. “Mom, I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me. Is Tim in town?” I asked, pinning her with an intense gaze.

She gave me a tearful nod. Chance rose from his seat, located a box of tissues, and placed them on the table in front of her.

“Thank you, hon.” Mom grabbed one and dabbed her eyes. “Your father and I had to meet at the attorney’s office. Divorce stuff.” She sniffled and folded her hands in her lap. “What do you need me to do? You know how much I love River. She’s already a part of the family.”

“We all love her,” Brynn added.

“The police have been here and taken our statements. Now it’s a matter of waiting.”

“Alastair’s don’t wait, Holden. They fix shit.” She stood abruptly.

“Mom. What are you going to do?” Dammit. She had to stay out of it. “You can’t confront Tim. He’ll know we’re onto him. Please. Give me your word that you won’t say anything. If you do, you’ll put River’s life in even more danger. We’re not doing nothing. I have some men on it. That’s all I can share with you.”

Mom shifted from side to side, fear flickering across her features. She glanced around the room, her jaw tightening as tears reappeared. “You’re right. I just want to smack him senseless until he tells me where she is.”

My eyes narrowed while I mentally revisited beating Tim to a bloody pulp after he tried to rape River. “I wish it were that easy,” I whispered, hugging her. “I think it would be best if you left town and stayed off his radar.”

“That’s why I stopped by to congratulate you and River. I needed to tell you goodbye as well. I’m leaving tonight. I’m off to London.”

“Thanks, Mom.” My throat clogged with love and appreciation.

“You keep me posted. Do you understand? I’ll stay out of it, but the minute you find her …”

I gathered her in my arms. “Please be safe.” I kissed the top of her head, then watched as she left. I stepped out into the hallway. “Zayne, can you escort her to the car? I’ll keep the door locked until you’re back.”

“Yes.” Zayne fell in behind Mom as she strolled to the elevator, her shoulders rigid with tension.

I secured the room, then collapsed into my seat. “Thank you, guys, for following my lead. It’s bad enough that Mom is going through a divorce, and now River.” I rubbed my face with my hands, suddenly remembering why we were sitting around the table instead of in the penthouse. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I called the security company.

Fortunately, they were able to analyze the problem remotely. In less than an hour, I was at the entrance of my new home, testing the scanner. The lock clicked, and I pushed the door open.

“Thank you. Let’s not have that happen again,” I said to Hal, the technical support guy. “I’ll be contacting the owner of the company, Jason, tomorrow. You’ve been very helpful, and I’ll let him know.” Although I was polite, I had to express that I was displeased with the hiccup. If they didn’t have the information, they wouldn’t push to make a better product.

Zayne entered and raised his hand to halt us from following. “I’m going to search the place first. The timing of the scanner not working bothers me.”

We waited in the hall while he searched the premises. When he returned, he uncurled his fingers, revealing a small device in his right palm. “I checked for bugs, but the place is clean.”

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. Zayne was quickly earning my respect again.

I held the door while Jace, Chance, and Brynn filed in. Zayne nodded at me from the hallway.

“He’s a good guy, Holden.” Brynn said, slipping her arm through mine. “I realize that River ditched him, but I think I understand why. She needed a few minutes alone to process. My guess is that she ran to the loading dock for some fresh air, and to find you.”

Jace made a beeline for the kitchen and tugged on the handle of the stainless-steel fridge. He removed four beers and handed one to each of us. “I know the situation isn’t what it was supposed to be but …” He popped off the cap and held his beer up. “To friends. To family. And to River’s safe and speedy return. However this plays out, I’m thankful as fuck I have you guys.”

“Cheers,” we said half-heartedly and in unison.

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