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Jace was right. The timing sucked … sort of. Knowing that my family was standing in front of me, and that we had each other’s backs no matter what soothed my frazzled nerves a little, though.

“I have her phone,” Brynn reminded me as we strolled into the living area. Brynn sat carefully on the new black leather couch. Jace and Chance settled into matching chairs, and I stood at the window, overlooking the city below us. River and I had decided on a contemporary theme—clean lines along with comfort. I’m pretty sure our décor would qualify for a magazine. It was stunning. The pieces of art River had chosen hung on the back wall, the color a gorgeous contrast to the black furniture and white marble floors. My chest ached, and an angry fuse ignited inside me. Once River was safe in my arms again, my mission would be not only to end, but slowly torture the mother fucker that stole her and my baby.

“I placed it in a plastic baggy when you all were at the Westbrooks’, just in case there was some incriminating evidence. I mean, I realize we touched it.” Brynn crossed her legs, her foot kicking. She was stressed and still didn’t seem like she was feeling well.

“Wait. You kept River’s phone?” Jace’s dark eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

I strolled over to Brynn and took it from her. “Yeah. I have to check if there are any leads. Once I look, I’m handing it over to Sutton. She can track more than I can. But I have to fucking try.” I sank onto the couch next to Brynn. “I have to do something. Mom’s right, Alastairs don’t wait. We make it happen.” I nervously ran my free hand along my leg. Brynn gently rubbed my back as I stared at the cell. “I need some gloves.”

“Here.” Brynn rummaged through her purse and handed me a pair of latex ones she’d hijacked from the bar. “I thought about it while you were gone.” She gave me a sheepish smile.

I slipped them on, then removed the phone from its protective baggie. Sucking in a breath, I touched the screen and woke it up.

The battery was nearly full. River hadn’t ever really owned a cell before, so she wasn’t glued to it every minute of the day like most people. A text message notification dropped down from the top, and I tapped it.

“What the hell?”

Chapter Four

I looked at the message, dumbfounded. When I had the clarity of mind, I checked the time it had been received. It’d been sent a little after two this afternoon. River had already been missing. Suspicion seeped into my veins.

“What is it?” Chance leaned forward on the edge of his seat as he waited for an explanation.

“It’s a text from Shirley. She and Ed were the ones that helped River leave Montana, but the phone she gave River had a tracker in it.”

“Yeah, we were all there,” Jace motioned for me to hurry up and read the text.

“It says: River, it’s Shirley. I’ve been worried sick and got your new number from Addison. Please call me.”

“Call her, Holden. It’s time to get some answers.” Chance stood and cracked his neck. We were all high strung and clamoring for any piece of information that would lead us to River.

“What am I going to say? Did you know that your cell had a tracker in it, and you put my girlfriend in danger?”

I stared at the phone as though it were a bomb ready to detonate. What if Shirley and Ed were behind River’s disappearance, and I fucked things up even worse?

“You won’t find out until you call her,” Jace said, his expression skeptical and not matching the confidence in his tone.

An intense wave of protectiveness jolted through me. If there were any chance that this woman might know something that could lead us to River, I had to do it. Before I talked myself out of it, I called her.

I placed the call on speaker and leaned forward, elbows resting on my knees.

“Hello?” A woman with a throaty voice answered.

“Is this Shirley?” I asked as I hoped like hell that I hadn’t made a mistake.

“Yeah, who’s calling?”

“I’m a friend of River’s.”

“I thought this was her new number. I’ve been trying to contact her. Do you know if she’s okay? I’ve been worried sick.” Shirley’s east coast accent was undeniable.

I toyed with the right words to start our conversation. At this point I didn’t trust her, and I had to be careful not to provide too much information. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but River is missing.” I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand. “I was hoping you might be able to help me.”

“What? And before I help anyone, who the hell are you?” Her words were sharp.

“Sorry. I’m Holden, her boyfriend. We were moving into our new home today when she disappeared.”

“Jesus,” Shirley whispered. “I adore that girl. I’ll do anything you need me to. What can I do?”

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