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Brynn tightly squeezed my hand as Jace and Chance stood still. I’d never experienced a glitch with the retina security, and the timing was too bizarre with River’s disappearance.

I released a soft sigh of relief as I stared at a pair of black Louboutin heels, then a large bouquet of pink and yellow roses. Mom lowered the flowers enough to see as she stepped out. Zayne quickly holstered his gun, and we all pretended that my mother didn’t almost stare into the end of a barrel.

“Oh, you’re all here!” Mom peeked around the arrangement. Her red blouse was tucked into black slacks and every strand of her brown hair was in place. “I’m so glad I haven’t missed you.”

I moved forward, freeing the vase from her grip.

“I didn’t realize you were back in town, or I would have called.” I kissed Mom on the cheek.

“I flew in late last night and am flying out again in a few hours. It’s an unexpected trip, but that’s business for you.” She gave me a warm smile.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, realizing that I would have to tell Mom about River. “The scanner isn’t working, so I have to call the company and find out what happened.”

“That’s unacceptable. Has River tried it yet?” Mom’s eyes swept the group. I assumed she was attempting to assess everyone’s mood. “Where is she anyway?”

“Let’s go downstairs and I’ll update you.” Mom was going to flip her shit. She and River had grown close over the last few months.

Quietly, we filed back into the elevator, then down a floor and to the conference room. I placed the flowers on the cabinet and ran my fingertip along one of the velvety petals. River would have loved the bright colors. They were gorgeous, and the sweet fragrance filled the area.

Zayne remained in the hall as everyone sat down.

“Holden, what in the world is happening? You’re all acting as though someone died.”

I cringed and placed my knuckles on the smooth wood surface of the table, bowing my head. “I hope not.”

“Holden, you’re scaring me. Please tell me what in the hell is going on.” She gripped the arms of the chair, the color draining from her cheeks.

“River is missing.”

“What do you mean missing?” Mom’s hand fluttered over her chest.

“We found her purse on the loading dock. No one has seen her since the furniture was delivered.”

“Good God.” Mom shook her head. “I don’t understand. She has a bodyguard. Where was he?” Her pitch rose as she spoke.

“He tried to reach her, but someone jammed the elevator buttons. It’s a long story, but all you need to know is that Zayne did everything he could.” I paused, giving her a minute for my words to sink in. “Mom, is Tim in town?”

“I have no idea where that man is or what he does with his time these days.” Mom sank into her seat again, her attention bouncing around the room. “You suspect that your father took her?”

“It’s crossed my mind.”

Her forehead creased with obvious confusion. “Jesus, do you really think it was Tim? I know he was furious at being made a fool when he … when River accused … when he tried to hurt River, and he’s irate about me filing for divorce. Maybe he blames her for all of that. But kidnapping?” Her brows furrowed. “I don’t think so, Holden. I just …”

Jace, Chance, and Brynn remained quiet and allowed me to provide the information I was comfortable with sharing. I appreciated them more than they would ever know.

I sat on the edge of the table and took Mom’s hand in mine. “I love you, Mom. We’ve come a long way in the past few years.”

“Of course we have, you’re my son. I’d move heaven and earth for you.”

But not for Hannah. I mentally slammed the door on my anger and continued. River deserved my full attention right now.

“Mom, you can’t repeat any of this conversation. I’ve been advised not to talk about it, but you need to know.” I ran my fingers through my hair and willed my racing heart to calm itself. “Tim ... I’ve recently learned that he isn’t who he says he is.” Dejected, I continued. “There’s suspicion that he’s tangled up with some very dangerous men and dealing illegal weapons.”

A harsh laugh escaped my mother. “Tim? I don’t think so, honey. He’s too stupid to be able to pull off something like that without landing his sorry ass in prison.” Her smile faltered as she realized I wasn’t playing around. “Are you sure?” she whispered.

“Yes,” Brynn added.

My head whipped in Brynn’s direction, my eyes pleading with her to not share any more. If Tim took River and learned that Brynn had dirt on him, he’d come for her next.

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