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I literally felt the color drain from my face, and I turned away from her, my attention landing on my boyfriend.

“Let me know if you need anything,” Holden said while remaining calm.

We walked through the house and up the stairs leading to our bedroom in silence. The moment we were alone, he swore. “If Mom sees any of the papers that’s on Dad’s desk ...” His expression twisted with worry.

“Can you get down to the office and hide them before she goes in there? I mean, maybe it’s still unlocked.”

Holden sprung off the door, then flung it open and darted out of the room. My heart pounded in my chest like a jackhammer while I begged and pleaded with the universe that he wouldn’t be caught.

I sat at the desk and counted to a hundred as slowly as possible without losing my mind.

A few minutes later, heavy footsteps reached my ears, and I shot out of the chair and poked my head into the hallway.

Holden made a beeline to me, his face pale.

I pulled him into the room and shut the door. “What happened?” I whispered, my gaze raking over him for any signs that he was hurt.

“It’s gone. His computer, the papers—everything in his desk is gone.”

My pulse stuttered against my wrist as I witnessed Holden’s anxiety climb the walls. “Let’s get the locks changed now, babe. He can’t come back in without a key unless he wants to break in and get arrested.” I didn’t say it out loud, but I liked the idea of him landing his sorry ass in jail.

“He must have come in while we were all asleep.” Holden’s expression fell, worry taking over his features. “He could have hurt you in the middle of the night.”

I placed my finger on Holden’s lips. “We can’t waste our time and energy with what could have happened. Let’s stay on track, baby.” I stretched up and pressed a kiss against his mouth. “I love you. Now let’s show this fucker what we’re made of.”

The rest of the day was a blur as all the locks in the house were changed, additional cameras were placed on the outside of the home, and Holden installed a retina scan for our bedroom door. It was odd at first, but I knew it was the safest option.

At three in the afternoon, we met with the lawyer, and I finalized my employment agreement with Holden at 4 Play. I was officially employed and being paid generously. Not only would I consult with Holden, but I would be involved in the financials and oversee the bar employees and security. I wouldn’t have anything to do with the lower-level membership and clients. It was also in my contract that I would wear the necklace with the H on it. Holden said he would have a few more made for me, and I could choose the color of the stones. Under no circumstances would I be at the club without it on.

Afterward, Holden took me to the bank, and I set up my first savings and checking accounts with the signing bonus he’d given me. I didn’t want to take it, but he said it was a common practice. I just wondered if it was common to have a bonus of a hundred thousand dollars. After arguing with myself, I decided to accept it just in case I had to take off and run again. At least I would have money to live on and I could stretch the shit out of a hundred grand. Plus, I could buy him something special for his twenty-second birthday in May. March had already snuck up on me, and now that I would be filling my days with work, I needed to plan ahead. I would definitely need Brynn, Chance, and Jace’s help. I had no idea what to give a man that could buy himself anything he wanted.

Our last errand of the day was to Nordstrom, where I bought a new purse. Holden helped me choose one that would be large enough to house the taser and mace. Twenty-five hundred dollars later, we strolled out of the mall with my new handbag and wallet safely wrapped and in a Nordstrom bag that Holden insisted he carried for me. I’d expressed my concern about being a target, but he assured me it wouldn’t be an issue.

“You’ll get used to carrying an expensive purse, babe.” Holden opened the car door of his navy BMW i8, then handed my new purchase to me. I stretched my jean-clad legs in front of me and placed my cane between them. Since I’d been attending all of my physical therapy sessions, I was hoping to be able to ditch it soon.

Holden started the car and eased out of the underground parking space when his phone rang. He clicked a button on the steering wheel and winked at me.

“This is Holden Alastair,” he answered.

“Holden, Pierce Westbrook. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.”

It took a moment for me to realize it was Pierce with the seriously hot bodyguards.

“I was wondering if Zayne and Vaughn would be available on a full-time basis for a while. My girlfriend and I need some additional security.”

“Let me take a look at their assignments. I know you’ve used them over the last several months on an occasional basis, but since it’s always been in the evening, I assigned them to other jobs as well.”

These guys work around the clock. When the hell do they sleep?

“I understand. They’re my first choices since I know them.”

“When would you need to switch to full-time?” Pierce asked, the clicking of the computer keys filling the phone line.

“Immediately.” Holden glanced at me, then squeezed my knee.

“Give me just a minute,” Pierce replied.

“Babe?” a girl’s voice said in the background.

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