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“I agree,” Holden added. “I need to know that you have the tools to defend yourself.”

“I can pick up a knife holster to strap on my leg too.” Thinking about how I got my knife, my brain played tug-of-war with my emotions. Why would Ed give me a weapon and then put a tracker on my phone, or did Shirley act on her own?

“Brynn, we’ll see you tomorrow.” Holden crossed the room, leaned down, and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“We’ll be fine. As long as we stick together, we’ll make it through this,” Brynn assured us.

Maybe she was right, but I couldn’t ignore the pang her words created. They echoed through my chest like a whisper, telling me that we were missing something.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The next morning, I quietly descended the stairs, then made my way toward the smell of coffee. My heart stuttered as my eyes landed on Holden and his mom at the kitchen table. He spoke in a hushed tone and held her hands in his.

Unwilling to disturb them, I crept backward with the help of my cane.

“River,” Catherine flashed me a warm smile. “Join us. Please.”

I glanced at Holden, and he nodded.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.” I stifled a yawn and headed for the coffeepot. Removing a cup from the cabinet, I poured the hot brown liquid into it.

“Nonsense. Holden was just telling me that you two will finish and move into the penthouse. Are you excited?” Catherine crossed her legs, her cream-colored slippers matching her robe.

It shouldn’t have surprised me that he’d mentioned this to his mom so early in the planning stages, but she should know what our plans were. Hell, I hoped we could bury any bad feelings about Tim’s behavior, and she’d join us for dinner on occasion.

“I am.” I smiled at them as I sank into the chair next to Holden.

“Morning,” he said, then gave me a sweet kiss.

“Morning.” I beamed at him. Life was a fucked-up mess at the moment, but as long as Holden was with me, I had faith that everything would be all right.

“River, I hope that you’re not rushing plans because of what my husband did.” She smoothed her hair, her French-manicured nails flashing in the light. “It wasn’t your fault, and I don’t blame you in any way. Tim ...” She pulled nervously on the opening of her robe, clutching it closer to her chest. “Our marriage has been over for a few years. It’s time that I move on.”

I sucked in a gasp. “Was … was I the final straw?” I choked out.

Compassion flashed in her brown eyes. “No. I’d planned on breaking the news to him while we were home this week. It just came a few days earlier than planned.”

Internally, I sighed with relief. I couldn’t handle the guilt of breaking up a marriage, even if it was a shitty one. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how difficult this has been for you.”

Holden squeezed my hand under the table.

“I’m ready to get off this crazy train, hon. I’ve built a highly successful financial business and I have no shame in being alone. Hell, I’ll probably enjoy it. Of course, I’ll have to split the company with him, but he has his clients and I have mine, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ve been working with a wonderful attorney over the last several months. I had to make sure I had all of my affairs in order before I delivered the news to my … soon to be ex-husband.”

I secretly hoped that Catherine got everything she wanted in the divorce. If she only knew what a horrible man Tim really was, she wouldn’t give him a single penny.

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you, Mom. We’ll have the locks changed today and the security system upgraded. I think you should consider hiring a bodyguard as well.”

My heart warmed at Holden’s protectiveness toward Catherine.

“I love you for your concern, Holden, but I don’t need security following my every move. I’ve managed your father for almost thirty years.”

But you don’t know who he really is. That would eventually be a conversation between Holden and Catherine. For now, I needed to keep my mouth shut.

Over the next hour, we shared our morning together and drank coffee. It was refreshing to wake up without worrying Tim was there, although I would feel a shit ton better after the security was upgraded.

Finally, Holden stood, and I followed. “I’m going to make some calls, Mom. Are you going to be around most of the day?”

“Yes. I have to make some calls of my own. I’ll work in your father’s office.”

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