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“Sutton, Holden Alastair is on speaker,” Pierce explained.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. Hi, Holden, how are you doing?” Sutton asked.

“I could be better but thank you again for your help.” Holden flipped on his turn signal, then took a right onto Division Street.

“It’s what I do. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll let you and Pierce discuss business. Have a good evening.”

I hadn’t even seen Sutton Westbrook, but I immediately liked her. Not only was she smart, but she sounded like a person you could hang out with, down to earth and fun.

“Holden, I think I can move my men around for you. I need to make some calls, then I’ll reach out when I know more. It might be late, but I’m assuming you’ll be awake since you own a club.” You could hear the smile in Pierce’s voice.

“You can call me at three in the morning if you need to. And Pierce, if the guys aren’t available, that’s fine. I need someone no later than tomorrow around ten.”

I peeked at Holden, and he smiled at me. “You have work,” he mouthed.

“You bet. I’ll make it happen. Talk to you soon,” Pierce said and disconnected the phone.

Holden’s headlights landed on one of the garages of his house, cutting through the darkness as the door slowly opened.

“Babe?” I grabbed Holden’s arm, dread knotting my stomach. “I have a bad feeling.”

Holden hesitated, his gaze sweeping the area in front of us.

“Fuck!” Holden gripped the steering wheel. “Stay here. Call the cops if any shit starts to go down.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Anxiety twisted my insides as I watched Holden exit the car and enter the garage. Fortunately, I could see him and Tim as they faced off.

I wasn’t sure if it was a blessing in disguise that I couldn’t hear what they were saying, or not. Tim’s hands were fisted, but he never raised one to his son. Holden’s muffled words carried through the windows, and I strained to listen. Surely, he wouldn’t admit to seeing the papers on his desk. I hoped like hell Holden didn’t get so angry that he slipped and told Tim that Sutton had cracked the encryption.

My name reached my ears, and I held my breath. I hoped the yelling match was about me rather than the truth.

Tim got in Holden’s face, his cheeks burning red with fury, then he stomped off. He shot me a debilitating glare as he stormed away. My gaze followed him as he walked down the driveway and to a dark green Jaguar parked at the curb.

Holden climbed back into his car and eased it into his parking space. The door closed behind us, and I turned to him.

“What happened and what in the hell was he doing in here?” I asked, nervously twisting the hem of my shirt.

Frustration and anger twisted his handsome features. “I’d forgotten to change the garage code, so he waited for me.” Holden ran his fingers through his hair. “I need to make sure Mom is all right. He said he couldn’t get in, but I don’t trust a fucking word he says.”

I exited the car and grabbed my Nordstrom bag before he could finish his sentence. Although it sounded like Tim didn’t get into the house, seeing that Catherine was safe would soothe my jumpy nerves.

Before we reached the door, Holden’s phone rang. He took it from his pocket, and we stepped into the mudroom that connected to the kitchen.

“Holden Alastair,” he said in a hushed tone.

I walked ahead of him and checked to see if anyone was near us on the main floor. I shook my head no.

“Excellent. I’ll be expecting them soon. Thanks a ton, Pierce.” Holden disconnected the call. “Zayne and Vaughn will be here within the hour. While we’re home, they’ll keep an eye on the property. I know you won’t be crazy about it, but they’ll also be with us at work.”

“I understand. If I stay in my office though, the only people that can get in are you and me, right? If you need one of them elsewhere, then that can happen.”

“I know you’d be safe in our offices, but I don’t want you to feel as though you’re caged in, either.” Worry lines creased his forehead. “I think I’ll add another retina scanner to the fourth level. After the penthouse is finished, we’ll add one at the front door as well.”

“I like that idea. Then we don’t have to have security all the time. Save your money. Add me, Chance, Jace, Brynn, and the bodyguards to the scanner.”

“That will work. No one needs to reach that floor unless they’re accompanied by either you or me anyway. I occasionally have meetings in the conference room, but that’s easy enough to manage.”

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