Page 7 of Dan.

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“I enjoy giving back,” he comments, his tone casual, pivoting in his seat so he can give me his full attention. “Scholarships are an easy way to do that without actually having to show up and play teacher to a bunch of children.”

I laugh, despite my negative mood, and feel some of the heaviness on my shoulders start to lift. “But I’m sure you’d be an exceptional teacher!”

“You’d be mistaken.” Johan picks up his glass, a tall ordeal filled with what looks like a green smoothie, and takes a draw of the thick liquid. It’s not a surprise he eats healthy even on vacation, considering how fit he is… which isn’t something I should be thinking about, but the thought creeps in anyway.

“Well, what else have you boys been discussing besides fun childhood camp memories?” I question, crossing my leg and cupping my coffee mug in my hand, absorbing the heat through my palm.

“Actually, we just strayed off topic. Johan was telling me how unprepared he was for the––” Andries leans forward and lowers his voice theatrically, a smirk gracing his lips, “secret societies and weird rituals at Oxford. Apparently summer camp didn’t exactly prepare him for anything like that.”

My interest is piqued. “What kind of secret societies and rituals?”

It might be my imagination, but I think Johan looks slightly uncomfortable when he responds. “Oh, you know, the same sort of clubs you find at all the big universities. Invite only, secret meeting places, things like that.”

“Are you a member of one?” I press.

He rubs the back of his neck. “Even if I was, I’d have been sworn to secrecy and not be able to tell you anyway.”

“He’s definitely in one,” Andries concludes, leaning back in his chair and looking smug. “Our Johan here is too big of a public figure not to be invited to the most elite groups, I’m sure. What I’m interested in is what you had to do to get in?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Johan insists, but there is a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth that gives him away. Maybe when we’re alone he’ll tell me more.

My brother huffs and leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his orange juice. “You’re no fun.”

Flicking his gaze in my direction, Johan gives me a quick wink before saying, “I can be plenty of fun, under the right circumstances.”

Blushing, I look away and sip my coffee, suddenly wishing it was iced.

As breakfast continues, everyone that is scattered about the terrace makes their way over at least once to talk to the newest guest, Johan, and discuss plans for the day. Roxanne makes her way over eventually and bends down to kiss my brother on the cheek, telling her to meet her in their suite once he’s done talking to everyone. He gets up to follow her, but I grab his hand to stop him.

“Can we talk alone first? I promise I won’t take up too much of your time.”

His gaze follows his fiancée, but he shrugs. “Sure, just make it quick.”

We meander over to the side of the pool, sitting down and dipping our feet into the warm waters. If he hadn’t been such an ass and brought Johan here, it’d have actually been nice to bond with my brother again, but Andries always has to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong. Now, things have to be awkward.

Turning to him and realizing he isn’t going to be the one to start the conversation, I take a deep breath and speak instead. “You know you need to apologize to Dan, right?”

Andries snorts in amusement. “For what? He’s the oath-breaker and liar, not me.”

“You know that makes me a liar, too,” I respond, kicking my feet in the water so it swirls around my legs.

“It’s not the same.”

“It’s only not the same to you because I’m your sister, but might I remind you that even when you and I weren’t speaking, Dan was there for you. Admit it, yesterday was a shit show, and you did it on purpose.”

He looks down at me and the stubborn look on my face, which is consequently mirrored on his. “Dan made it a shit show by messing around with my sister, not me. He didn’t care one bit which friends I invited until it was someone who was interested in you, and vice versa. If Johan was anyone else but your old summer crush, there would be no issues, besides that, you and Dan would still be lying to me under my nose.”

I glance over my shoulder at where Johan is still standing and talking to Robin and Lili and feel a pang of guilt. Poor Johan… he’s only here as a pawn in my brother’s game, but my brother is right about one thing: if Dan and I hadn’t been hiding this from him, none of this drama would have happened.

“You’re looking at Johan an awful lot for someone so concerned about Dan and his feelings,” Andries drawls, nudging my shoulder with his. I shove him in return.

“Shut up. This is not some star-crossed love story that you are concocting by inviting him. It just makes things weird for everyone, and now your best friend’s feelings are really hurt. I mean look at this place–” I wave my arm over the horizon and the pool we’re currently lounging in front of. “Dan brought us here and did all of this because of his love foryou. Are you even thinking about that?”

A look of contriteness moves over his face, but he shakes his head and it’s gone. “You’re not going to make me feel bad for being pissed that Dan broke the oath he made to me.”

I groan in frustration, rubbing a hand over my face. “Andries, I’m an adult! It’s my decision whether I want to be with Dan or not. That decision has nothing to do with you or any stupid oath you and Dan may have made.”

He cocks his head to the side before turning around at the waist and nodding over where Johan is standing. “Do you really want to be with Dan, though? Especially now that Johan is here with you? I bet there are all kinds of things left unsaid between the two of you.”

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