Page 8 of Dan.

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Andries’s question makes me uncomfortable, causing me to tap my fingers on the concrete edges of the pool to disperse the nervous energy. I’m not ready to face my feelings for Johan or Dan when I put them side by side to compare them. This change in the situation is too new and fresh, and I need more time to mull it over. But there is something my brother says that makes me think…

“Speaking of unsaid things… Johan and I had a little time to talk yesterday and it turns out that neither of us actually ghosted the other one. Someone blocked him in my phone and changed his number, so even when he did reach out, I never saw it.” I narrow my eyes, studying his expression more attentively. “Do you know anything about that?”

His expression is completely blank. “You probably did it in a fit of teenage jealousy or something. Who knows.”

“I’d remember if I blocked and changed his contact, Andries! I’m not an idiot. Plus, that’s not all, whoever changed the number made sure to send one text to Johan before blocking him telling him to leave me alone or they would report him to Dad. Does any of that ring a bell?”

My brother shakes his head. “Not at all. Why would I do that? I like Johan quite a bit and he seemed popular with the rest of the family, too.”

I kick at his foot under the water, my suspicions growing by the second. He’s giving me no indications that he’s lying, but having spent my whole life with Andries, I feel like I’m able to read him better than most. Maybe I’m just looking for someone to blame, or maybe he’s lying to me. And if so, he has no right to be mad about me lying about Dan. We’d be even.

“I don’t believe you. I know you, Andries. It’s so perfectly in character for you to want to play the protector even when I don’t need it,” The look I give him is meaningful, “Like now, for instance.”

My brother just rolls his eyes and makes a show of checking his watch. “I really need to get back to Roxie.”

“But you never promised to apologize to Dan. That’s the whole reason I brought you over here, not to talk about my love life.”

He moves to stand, stretching as he does, rocking back on the heels of his feet and lifting his arms above his head. “Good thing you’re not the boss of me, then. Because I’m not doing it.”

I stand too, hands on my hips. “Yes, you are. Again, do I need to remind you that everything you’re currently enjoying is all thanks to him?”

He tries to wave me off, turning to stalk back into the house, but when we both pivot, Dan is hovering around the breakfast table, hair mussed and dark circles under his beautiful eyes. It makes my heart ache, but at least his timing is impeccable.

“Let’s go,” I insist as I grab my brother by the arm and start to haul him over to his best friend.

He tries to hold firm, but I’ve caught him by surprise, so he stumbles forward with me anyway.

“Knock it off, El,” he hisses.

But it’s too late, and Andries and I are in front of Dan within just a few steps. He looks at the two of us in confusion but then shrugs. “Have you guys had breakfast yet?”

“Yes, but I was just about to have another cup of coffee before going in,” I say cheerily, trying not to make it too obvious that I’m forcing Andries to sink into the chair next to me as I sit. I don’t let him go until we’re both seated, my brother looking grim while I wear a smile that is much brighter than I currently feel.

Dan shifts his gaze between us, one eyebrow creeping up before he shrugs a second time, clearly not bothered by what either of us is doing. Or at least trying to appear like he doesn’t care. “Whatever. I ordered some blooming tea if you’d like a cup.”

“I’d love one,” I answer immediately. "So would Andries.”

“Uh, sure,” my brother says, crossing his arms and looking away. The air is almost painfully tense.

The server brings the blooming tea, quickly leaving and coming back for two more glass cups for my brother and me. We all watch the dried lily flower open, coloring the water and filling the air with the scent of herbaceous florals, but there isn’t any shared conversation. Dan holds my gaze as he pours for me, a million words in that glance, but none of them come to his lips. We are all still drowning in silence.

Sipping the tea, memories of all the times Dan has shared similar teas with me come rushing back in a barrage of images, both happy and sad. We’ve got so much history, and he and Andries have even more than that. This can’t stay the way it is now, with all of us acting like strangers.

I elbow Andries, who is holding his glass cup and swirling it in his hand to keep busy. He jumps, almost spilling the hot liquid as he looks at me, and I jerk my eyes toward Dan. Andries looks like he wants to complain, but after glancing at Dan and taking in his tired appearance just like I had earlier, something passes over his face. To me, it looks like concern for his friend.

He sucks in a huge breath, letting it out slowly before speaking. “Dan, look… I’m sorry for inviting Johan to the villa without asking you first. It was a spur of the moment decision that I really didn’t think much about, and I understand why it’d be frustrating for you.” He pauses, giving a glance at me before returning to Dan. “Since I did it just to mess with you and Elise’s little… thing… well, it was petty. I’m sorry.”

Dan blinks a few times, surprised, but after a few seconds pass he nods. “I appreciate it. I want to apologize for acting out the way I did and immediately trying to throw your friend out. I just recognized him from a picture and––” he looks over at me, his expression uncomfortable. “Never mind. Just know that I’m sorry.”

Andries swallows, looking like he wants to be anywhere but here. It seems like they can’t talk freely with me here, so I finish my tea and stand, straightening my clothes as I do so. “I’ll give you boys some space to talk, okay?”

Before either of them can insist that I stay, I leave, wanting to go to my bedroom and plan for the rest of my day anyway. There had been talk of going to the blue grotto, among other attractions, or maybe going sailing again, but I’ll leave it up to my brother and his fiancée to make the final decision.

It’s quiet inside since nearly everyone is lounging by the pool and enjoying the sunshine, but as I walk down the long hallway to my suite, I pass the room that Johan had been given and pause. Outside of the partially open door is a set of luggage that is black with silver accents, all perfectly packed and lined up. Curious, I peek into the room and see Johan packing his toiletries into another, smaller bag.

My hip hits the door enough for it to creak open slightly, and Johan turns to see me. Caught, I give a small wave. “Hey. You sort of just disappeared from breakfast. What are you doing?”

Johan looks down at the things he’s packing, a sad cast to his features. “I’ve clearly made a mess here, so I’m just going to go stay at a hotel and make it easier on everyone.”

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