Page 36 of Brutal Kings

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“I’m aware.” I make bacon, eggs, and pancakes for myself and the guys, because I feel like being nice today.

Vic walks into the kitchen as I set a plate of food in front of Jay.

“Good morning, mi amor,” he says smoothly, gently running his hand over my lower back as he goes to claim a seat beside Jay.

My cheeks burn. He’sso fucking hot.

“Good morning,” I say at the same time Jay grumbles, “it’s not fucking morning.”

“Are you hungry?”


He must be because he eyes Jay’s plate with a fierceness that makes my stomach flip. He reaches over and tries to grab a piece of bacon, but Jay smacks his hand away. I laugh and put a plate in front of Vic. With a nod of gratitude, he wastes no time digging in. I go to the fridge and grab the orange juice, pouring five glasses for all of us.

Ezra and Lee are the last to enter.

“Damn, it smells good in here!” Lee shouts. He smacks my ass and plants a loud kiss on my cheek as he heads to the island to take a seat. I roll my eyes and laugh, but when I look at Ezra, he’s shooting daggers at Lee’s back.

“Let me make one thing clear to all of you,” he says, his tone sharp with barely concealed anger. “No one touches Maya. No one looks at Maya. No one even breathes near Maya.”

“Are we allowed to think about Maya?” Vic asks. “Because I can’t seem to stop.”

Vic, the cocky bastard, grins at Ezra.

I grab his shirtsleeve before he has a chance to jump on Vic.

“That’s enough. Sit down.”

He continues to glare at Vic.


He slowly drags his eyes to me, staring at me for a few seconds, but then does as I say, much to my surprise. He sits on the opposite side of the island, next to Lee and across from Vic, who just smirks before continuing to eat his food.

I set a plate in front of Lee, then Ezra.

And then I slap his bald head.

The three others burst out laughing when Ezra looks at me; flabbergasted is the only word I can use to describe his expression.

“What the hell was that for?” he exclaims, rubbing the back of his head.

For giving me five orgasms and then locking me in my room for five days after, asshole.

And drugging me. That just wasn’t necessary.

I cross my arms over my chest. “You know why. And if you do it again, you’ll be walking around with blue balls.”

Lee snorts, then subsequently chokes on his pancakes.

I turn to the stove, but Ezra grabs my arm and pulls me back around to him. Before I have a chance to question what he’s doing, his mouth crashes against mine.

I flinch as my teeth bite into the inside of my bottom lip. I try to pull away, but his grip is like iron, and he only pulls me closer.

Not caring that we have an audience, his tongue slides into my mouth as he deepens the kiss. There’s nothing sweet or passionate about it.

It’s possessive and claiming. It’s a promise and a threat to everyone in this room, including me, and despite myself, I can’t help the heat that begins to pool between my legs. This is the first time I’ve kissed him in a year. I forgot how addicting his lips are, how delicious he tastes.

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