Page 37 of Brutal Kings

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I wrap my arms around his neck, pushing my breasts flush against his chest. He deepens the kiss, and all too soon, I’m back in his thrall. I missed the way his rough hands caressed my body like I was made of glass. I missed the way I could get drunk from his kisses alone.

No matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to get him out of my head.

When I’m finally able to break the kiss, breathless and flushed, Ezra pushes me away and begins eating his food. The heat I just felt moments ago diminishes at his cold dismissal.

Lee and Vic make an obvious effort not to notice my embarrassment, while Jay looks right at me and grins savagely.

I quickly make my plate of food and hurry out of the kitchen.



I finishmy meal in silence while the others talk quietly about the Crimson Brotherhood.

Dom Carlo is the leader of the group, and a pain in my fucking ass. I don’t know who’s been feeding him information about my syndicate, but when I find out who it is, I’m going to make them wish they’d never crossed me.

“We need to start being careful about who we let into our group and into the house,” Jay starts.

We all nod in unison.

“And around Maya,” he adds quietly.

I give him a nod of gratitude. I know he’s wary of her, but he knows how much she means to me, that I would die before I let anything happen to her.

When I first met him, I had to admit that I was a little afraid of him. I’d never met a man whose voice is as naturally deep as his. When he approached me without fear, without wondering whether I’d beat the living shit out of him for interrupting my card game, I knew I had to keep him around. Jay laughed at all the men who’d cowered in fear hearing his voice right before they died; it still brings a smile to my face every time I think about it.

“I’ve heard that Dom’s crew wants to attack,” Lee says, sopping up some syrup with the last of his pancakes.

I steeple my fingers against my lips. I have my suspicions about who the rat might be. It could very well have been Donovan, one of our many bodyguards. I’ve known him since I was seventeen, and while we haven’t always been the closest of friends, he’s the only one I trusted enough to protect what’s mine. He’s the only one who knows about all our decisions and plans as we’re making them.

And he’s the only one in my circle who owes me anything.

I’ve saved his life on more than one occasion. I’ve loaned him enough money to keep him indebted for the rest of his miserable existence. The arrangement is simple: he works for me until he’s paid off every single dime he owes me, with interest. I don’t pay him, and I made it very clear that he would have to make the money some other way while still being available whenever I need him. The terms of the arrangement aren’t negotiable, never have been.

So, his other “job” must be working for Dom Carlo. It makes sense.

He’s the only one it could be.

“That means Dom will be looking for Maya by now,” I say darkly. I’ve known Dom for fifteen years. He’s the most evil, vindictive bastard I’ve ever met. Fucker has no soul. If Donovan told him about my girl, I wouldn’t put it past Dom to search the world over for her just to spite me. He must know that Maya is my first priority now, which means he won’t stop until he has her. He’d rip her to shreds just to watch me die.

“If Dom gets ahold of her, he’ll destroy her,” Vic says cautiously.

I whip my head in his direction. “You think I don’t know that, Vic?”

For once, he doesn’t test me. He knows what she means to me, and he knows what lengths I’ll go to protect her.

My gaze turns heated as I stare at her sitting by the pool, eating her food and smiling as the sun warms her face.

Damn, I love her.

“Who the hell could it be?” Jay wonders, breaking the spell my sunflower has on me. I turn to look at him—

And find Lee and Vic watching her with the same burning desire as I just was.

I snap my fingers at them. “That’s enough.”

Jay rolls his eyes and grumbles something in Korean.

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