Page 8 of Just As You Are

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“So we pick her up in the morning?”

“I usually get her after lunch. They don’t mind unless they have something to do.”

I nod. “We can go get her now if you want.”

“Do you live here in the clubhouse?” she asks.

“No, I have a house on the property. All of us do. We usually only use our clubhouse rooms when we drink too much. It’s easier than trying to stumble our way home.”

She giggles and finally wraps her arms around me. I kiss the top of her head. I’m definitely not gonna let her go now.

“It’s late. I can get her later today. I’m sure they’re all sleeping.”

“Okay, let’s go inside. I’m sure everyone’s still up.” I take her hand and we walk into the clubhouse together.


Charmaine comes running up to me and hugs me.

“I’m so glad you’re here. Luciana went to bed early, but Isabella stayed up with me.” She laughs. “Are you and Cavallo together now?” she adds quietly.

“I just told him about Maddie. I figured he should know now. Because if he’s going to run, I want him to run now and not later.”

“I told you he wouldn’t. And judging by the look he’s giving you? I don’t think there’s really anything you could say that would make him run.” She chuckles.

As I’m looking around, I see a few women dressed in almost nothing. Some are sitting on the guys’ laps and some are grinding on them. The few times I’ve been here, they’ve been dressed and weren’t trying to have sex in public.

“Don’t worry about them. Some are bitches but for the most part, once it’s said that Cavallo is taken, they’ll leave him alone,” Charmaine says softly. It’s like she can read my mind.

“Why would I be worried? I’m not even sure if we’re a thing yet. Besides, it’s kind of fast for me to be claiming him. He’s free to do whatever and whoever he wants.”

“You’re full of shit, Li. I know you better than that, so don’t bullshit me.”

I sigh. “Fine. Of course I don’t want him fucking them. But what if he doesn’t want anything serious? This could be just a way to pass the time for him.”

Charmaine makes me look straight at her. “If there’s one thing I know about the men of this club? When they find their person, they’re done. There’s no playing around, no wondering if they’re in or out. They’re all in. You’ve seen Luciana and Rónán, Isabella and Finn too. With Giacomo and Caitríona, you can see the love between them.”

Everything she’s saying is great. But that doesn’t mean Hollis and I will be like them. Do I want it? Hell yes. But I don’t think I’ll ever get it. As I’m starting to feel sorry for myself, I feel arms circling my waist. Instinctively I know it’s Hollis, I don’t know how. But when he touches me, calmness washes over me.

“Will you spend the night with me?” he whispers in my ear.

I turn so that I can look into his eyes, but he doesn’t loosen his grip.


One simple little word and his face lights up with the biggest smile. I can’t help but smile back at him.

“I’m going to show you what you mean to me,” he adds.

I shiver slightly at his words. They bring back memories of the night we spent together. It was the best sex I’ve ever had, and now all I can think about is his cock. I’m so screwed.

“You ready to go to bed?” Hollis asks me just as I yawn.

I chuckle. “Yeah, bed sounds good.”

“You know you won’t be sleeping just yet.”

Yep. It’s going to be a sleepless night. Not that I’m complaining.

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