Page 7 of Just As You Are

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“You just carry an extra helmet around?”

“Cupcake, I’ve never had anyone on the back of my bike. I got that helmet for you right after we met.”



Wait, did he just say he bought it for me? Why would he do that? Half of me is insisting that I see where this goes with Hollis. But the other half is saying he’ll meet Maddie, get scared and bolt. Maybe I should just tell him about her now and see what he says. Better to rip the band-aid off sooner than later, before I get more attached.

I take the helmet and put it on. Then I get on the bike behind Hollis and wrap my arms around him. I can tell he’s taking the long way to the clubhouse, and I can’t say I object. I love being on his bike with him. It feels like I’m flying as I breathe in the night air. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

Knowing that I’m the first woman to ever be on his bike makes me feel oddly possessive of him. Add to that the rumble of the bike under my ass? I want to jump him right here, right now. But I have to keep my head on straight—telling him about Maddie is my first priority.

We pull into the driveway at the clubhouse and we’re greeted by one of the new prospects. I remember meeting him last week. No one is allowed through the gates unless they know you. The Cimaruta MC has a lot of strict rules about who is allowed onto the property. I’ve heard they’ve had issues with other clubs. But I’m not really in the ‘inner circle’ so I don’t know any details.

I do know that ever since Charmaine and Amante have been together, the club has become an important part of her life. I love how happy she’s been since meeting him. I want that—what Charmaine and Amante have. We’ll see what happens after I tell Hollis about my Maddie. Will he run?

“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” Hollis asks.

I didn’t realize I’d been daydreaming. I look up at him. He’s so damn handsome, with his baby-blue eyes and wavy, dark-brown hair. Muscles and tattoos in all the right places. I see the way women look at him, and I wonder what he sees in me. I’m not exactly rocking the skinny model look.

“I need to tell you something and I’m not sure how you’re going to react to it.” I can’t keep the nervousness out of my voice as he studies my face.

“You can tell me anything.”


As long as she doesn’t tell me that she’s married or with someone, I’m pretty sure I can handle anything else she has to say. She looks really nervous.

“I-I have a daughter. I don’t tell most people about her because it’s not easy to date as a single mom.”

Holy shit. That’s her big secret?

I smile at her. “What’s her name? How old is she?”

I watch her eyes get bigger as she looks at me. I don’t know why she thought she couldn’t tell me.

“She’s five years old and her name is Madeleine. I call her Maddie.”

“When can I meet her? I understand if it’s too soon,” I blurt out.

She pulls her phone out and shows me a picture of the most adorable little girl. She has Lila’s caramel-brown eyes and almost-black hair.

“She’s beautiful, just like her mama.”

I finally get a smile from Lila. “Is Maddie the reason you’re working two jobs?”

“She’s part of the reason. I hate being away from her, but I want her to have everything she needs.”

“I hope I’m not overstepping, but where’s her father?” Lila looks down and I hear her take a sharp breath like she’s trying not to cry. I reach for her and wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry I asked. Please don’t cry, baby.”

She sniffles. “It’s okay. Travis left us about three years ago. I found out a few months later that he cheated on me. I’m not sure how long it had gone on, or if he left me for the girl he cheated with. But I haven’t heard from him since, so I can’t ask him.”

Dammit. Now I have to kill him for hurting my girls. Fucking deadbeat dad. They’re some of the worst fuckers walking this earth.

“I’m so sorry, cupcake,” I say as I hold her tighter. “Who is our Maddie with when you’re at work?”

“When I worked at the club, she stayed overnight with my sister or my brother. We live in a triplex, so we each have our own area. When I work at the Grill, they just watch her till I’m done and then I pick her up.”

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