Page 9 of Just As You Are

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“Are we going to your house?” I ask as I follow him.

“That’s up to you, cupcake.”

“I’d like to see your house. But I have a question.”

“You can ask me anything, baby. Nothing’s off-limits.”

I take a deep breath. “Have you had women in your bed at your house?”

He shakes his head no. “You would be the first. I won’t lie, I’ve had women here at the clubhouse. But mostly we went to a hotel. The club doesn’t like having strangers on the property.”

“So wait. You’ve been with some of these women that are here right now?” I’m trying not to sound jealous. But I am. I hate the idea that he’s touched these women.

He has a weird look on his face. “Do you really wanna know? You don’t have to worry about the bunnies here.”

“I do want to know. What are bunnies?” Charmaine already told me about the bunnies. But I have to play dumb because I’m not sure if it was okay for her to tell me or not. They used to be called ‘sweetbutts’. But when Luciana and Isabella were teenagers, they said those women bounce around between the brothers like rabbits. So from then on, they’ve been called bunnies. “And how long has it been since you’ve been with these ‘bunnies’?”

These are answers I’m not so sure I want to know. But I feel like I need to know. Since we got here, I’ve noticed one bunny that won’t stop glaring at me. I’m guessing she’s one of them.

“The last one was Alice, she’s the one staring at us. The last time I was with her was a few weeks before we met. I haven’t been with anyone else since you.”

Could he really be telling me the truth? I want to believe him and let him in. But I don’t know if I can. And right on cue, she comes walking over. She’s wearing booty shorts, of course, and a sports bra, if you can call it that.



I can see the doubt in my girl’s eyes and I don’t like it. And because Alice wants to be a bitch, she comes over to start something. I told her the week I met Lila that we wouldn’t be hanging out anymore. She didn’t take it well, but because she hasn’t bothered me since then, I thought she would respect my boundaries. Apparently not.

“Hey lover, time for bed?” She tries to lean in and nip my ear. I pull back and stare at her.

“Not with you, Alice. I told you the deal and if you don’t step off, you’re outta here.”

She snorts at me. “You’ll come crawling back to me. I know what you like, and this bitch can’t give you that.”

I nod at our newest prospect and he heads over to us.

“Get her out,” I tell him. He nods at me and tries to escort her outside.

“Fuck you, Cavallo! You had your cock in me last night and now you want to act like this?” she screams. “This bitch waltzes in and you just fall at her feet like the pussy you are. You may have a big dick, but you don’t know how to fucking use it.”

I laugh at her outburst because it’s sealed her fate. She’ll never be allowed back on this property or any property the MC owns. Bunnies don’t get to yell at patched members or their women. No matter what.

A few weeks before I met Lila, it started to feel like Alice wanted more. I never have, and I made that clear from the beginning. She agreed and said she understood. Plus, I knew she was still fucking some of my club brothers. Which isn’t a big deal, we all know what’s going on with the bunnies. Unless one of the brothers claims her? Well then, it’s anyone’s game.

The other bunnies are watching. Some are glaring at Lila, and some are smirking at Alice. They’re all out for themselves. Some of my brothers like them, so they’ll be allowed to hang around until no one has any need for them. But the one thing they do know is to stay out of shit like this. Especially if they want to stay.

We need to check the bunnies out more thoroughly. I don’t have the time or patience for this. And the look in my Lila’s eyes tells me that Alice mouthed off enough to put doubt in her mind. Fuck.

Giacomo ‘Forza’ Bastianini, the president of our club, comes walking into the clubhouse.

“What in the fuck is going on?” he growls.

“Forza! Thank god you’re here. Cavallo made me promises—he made me his woman last week and now he’s acting like I’m just a common whore.” Alice sobs.

I hear Fuoco snicker. “Youarea common whore. If I remember correctly, you went to Forza this morning and tried to tell him the same story about Rónán. That he was leaving me and wanted you instead.” She laughs even more. “And because you’re not only a common whore, but a lying whore, you were kicked off the property. Now I don’t know how the fuck you weaseled your way back in, but if I see you here again or anywhere you’re not supposed to be? You’re going to have problems. Serious fucking problems. Prospect, get her the fuck out, find out who let her in, and bring him to me.”

“Got it, Fuoco,” he says as he drags Alice out screaming.

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