Page 88 of Forever Fabled

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“… And here we go,” her father whispered, grinning at Giselle.

The strains of ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA began to fill the house, and one thing she never brought up was how much her mother encouraged singing and dancing. Giselle grew up in a home full of music and when she heard Austin singing? That was her moment of clarity, where all other doubts and fears just melted away.

Spicy ketchup… and wooden spoons. Who knew?

Oh, she knew she loved him, but the moment he started belting out in song? That’s when she knew she was meant to meet this man in so many ways. Chance, fate, a miracle… whatever you wanted to label it?

Austin was meant to be here, now.

Giselle went to grab her spoon, holding it up to her lips as they all started singing together, like it was nothing.

From the Everly Brothers to Smashing Pumpkins, there were always songs playing in the house, and each bedroom had a radio in it. As a girl, there had been so many ‘talent shows’ in their pajamas, Christmas’ caroling, and hymns sung off-key at a time but full of love… and by some miracle?

She had foundhim.

Her perfect match.

Austin was smiling in amazement as her brother hooked an arm around his neck playfully, reminding her of their arrival and Firefly’s greeting… as her sister swatted her brother Gary on the arm, immediately releasing Austin, who was right there in the thick of it.

Her mother had welcomed in her ‘lost stray’… her family was enveloping and indoctrinating him into their group – and her very own fairytale was unfolding so magically before her very eyes.

She was home… and Austin was too.



Hours later,they were all sitting around the table with aching stomachs from the massive feast her mother had made to welcome them home, cutting up laughing and talking with such ease. Her sister had left to take her husband a Tupperware bowl of food for dinner at the hospital where he worked, her brother left to meet his wife and the kids for ice skating practice for his twin daughters, and slowly – one by one – they started to leave the house for the evening, leaving them there.

Austin sat back in his chair, his arm around her chair back, listening and talking as if he had been born into this world, she was blessed to be a part of…

“So did you surprise my daughter?” her father said, pointing at the ring.

“She surprises me all the time, sir.”

“I told you to call me Max…” her father ordered, reaching over and ruffling Austin’s tousled hair once more. He always had done that to the boys and tugged the girls’ braids or pigtails when they were younger. It was a show of affection that touched her heart.

“It might take me a moment to get used to that… Max,” Austin smiled at her father, before her father turned to look at her.

“Were you expecting him to pop the question?”

“Oh no,” she chuckled openly, glancing at Austin shyly. “It’s been so wonderful being friends and talking to each other, that it completely blindsided me.”

“We’ll need to start looking at venues, dresses, and…” her mother began, and Giselle stiffened slightly, looking at her mom nervously.

“Actually, Mom?” she began and glanced at Austin, “This is all so new and unexpected, we really haven’t had a chance to talk about plans or details. I mean, thisjusthappened.”

“What do you want?” Austin asked her softly, touching the back of her neck tenderly. “For me, it’s easy. Whatever we do – I just show up, wear my dress uniform, and enjoy the moment.”

“I want something like that,” she admitted. “I just assumed that I would wear my dress uniform because it’s a part of who I am… and I like easy, you know? I want to enjoy the moment too, without all the stresses or worries.”

“Then it sounds like we both know what we want,” he began, smiling at her as she glanced at him, before looking at her parents.

“I’m not trying to be difficult, it’s just we are all spread out so far,” she began. “My coworkers and acquaintances are in Ghazni – just like you. You’ve got friends in Yonder. My oldest brother is stationed goodness-knows-where this year… Mom, whereisGideon stationed now?”

“Fort Bragg, honey.”

“How long of an engagement are you wanting to have?” her father asked the two of them, causing Giselle and Austin to share a glance.

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