Page 87 of Forever Fabled

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“Austin,” she whispered gently, “Smile and be yourself – my family will love you.”

He laid his hands over hers where they rested and pressed his forehead to hers.

“I just needyouto love me – and never give up if things get tough,” he said softly, putting himself out there and opening up, realizing just how deeply wounded he was and what a leap of faith this was for him.

“That’s not what family does – and if we are doing this, then you are part of my family, so you are stuck with us through thick and thin.”

He drew in a nervous breath and smiled at her, before clearing his throat, nodding.

“I think I still owe your mother a song,” he smiled softly, lifting his head away from hers and dragging in one more deep breath.

“It’s going to be just fine – I assure you,” she began again, reassuring him and opening the door as the voices flooded the room. Instantly, she felt a burst of warmth in her chest at his intimidated expression, realizing that he had probably never been around such a chaotic, loving family.

“Look dork, just because you are the banker on Monopoly doesn’t mean you get to help yourself to the money. That’s not how real-life works…”

“Good thing this is a game, Gemma.”

“Greg! You aren’t the banker.”

“Why not?”

“Georgia is going to be the banker.”

“I could do it…”

“NO GARY!” everyone snapped hotly in loud voices before laughing.

“Daddy, why won’t Aunt Georgia let you be the banker?”

“Because your Daddy cheats…”

“Because your Daddy doesn’t play fair.”

“Hey now, let’s not tell my children I cheat – even if I did that one time…”

“It’s pronounced ‘every time’, dear brother…”

“Don’t be a sore loser, Gemma…”

Austin let out a little laugh beside her as they listened to the siblings bickering in the distance. She could smell the warm potato rolls cooking and the scene of food lingering in the air.

As they came around the corner, there was a clattering of chairs sliding back across the linoleum flooring as her father sat in his recliner, looking pointedly at her hand. He kicked the footrest back, getting up to his feet as her mother entered from the kitchen, drying her hands… and also looked at her hand, before smiling warmly.

“Looks like I’ve got another person to love,” her mother said tenderly, walking over and hugging Giselle – and then hugging Austin like he’d been a part of their world for years on end.

She saw the shocked expression on his face and felt him squeeze her hand tightly, knowing he was trying not to break down. This was probably the most perfect welcome to her family that someone could have given him… first from her father and now her mother.

Someday Austin would understand what ‘family’ truly meant and she couldn’t wait to be at his side during this entire process.

“Congratulations, you two. I’m so happy you are here, sweet boy.”

“Mommm… I’m your sweet boy, remember?”

“You’re all my sweet children,” her mother said placatingly. “Are you hungry, honey? Let’s get you some coffee and some food…” and shockingly enough, her mother pulled Austin away from where Giselle stood – immediately taking him under her wing.

“I guess we are chopped liver,” her father chuckled knowingly, watching her mother walk off. “I knew your mother would take to him – he’s got this puppy dog look in his eyes. She calls it ‘soulful’ and loves the shy ones.”

“He’snotshy,” Giselle smiled knowingly as her mother introduced Austin to her brothers and sisters, watching them shake his hand, hugging him, and then handing out wooden spoons to everyone.

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