Page 89 of Forever Fabled

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“Again, this just happened, and we need to figure out some things…”

“Giselle,” Austin began quietly, and she looked at him over her shoulder. “We’re here,” he paused, glancing at her parents, “I don’t want to rush you or press you, but I’m pretty sure your parents would want to be a part of your moment…”

“What are you saying?”

“What if we got married here, had a reception back in Yonder, and then we could see if there was some way to celebrate with our teams back home in Ghazni,” Austin suggested gently.

“I knew I liked you… son,” her father said, mussing Austin’s hair again, while her mother looked at her, smiling tearfully.

This was more than she could have ever hoped for or anticipated – to have every imaginable chance, including almost everyone they cared about, and at the end of it all? She would still be at Austin’s side – no matter what.

“We can do whatever you want, and if you’d prefer a long engagement, then maybe we can travel back here later this year or…”

“No,” she interrupted firmly – and you could have heard a pin drop. Austin’s hand froze its ministrations on the back of her neck immediately as he pulled it away… and she turned to him, not looking at her parents.

“I don’t want to wait any longer or have that stupid fence between us again,” she breathed softly, looking into his warm eyes. “I want to grab at happiness, take our chances, and hammer out our dreams one step at a time. Do you want a church wedding with all the bells and whistles – because I don’t? I just want our story to have a happily ever after.”

“Every time you smile at me, it does,” he assured her, leaning forward and kissing her tenderly in front of her parents. “Tomorrow then, my love – or the day after?”

“Did you bring your dress uniform?”

“I did – did you?”

“Yes. You never know when you need something proper or nice to wear.”

“This is true,” he smiled softly. “Tomorrow?”

“Yes,” she said hoarsely, touching his cheek. “Meet you at the fence?”

“Dinner and drinks, babe.”

They both laughed softly, pressing their foreheads together in this sweetly stolen moment of wonder surrounding them. He had proposed only hours ago, and they were jumping in with both feet, together.

“You are…? Max? Is our baby getting married…tomorrow?”

“Sounds like I should steam my suit tonight.”

“I need to call your brothers and sisters,” her mother spurted nervously, her hands trembling as she touched her hair. “I need to roll my hair, and you should have some champagne on your wedding day.”

“I can ask Greg to bring some over…”

“Get Georgia or Gemma to pick up a little cake…”

“We need balloons and maybe we should…” her mother fluttered happily, her eyes glistening as Giselle looked at her happily when Austin kissed her on the temple sweetly.

“Mom – we just want you there. I don’t need anything big or fancy. We just want the memories and maybe some photographs to start our own hallway collection someday,” she said, looking at Austin – who smiled at her knowingly.

“You never know,” he said softly. “It could start any day… or perhaps in July?”

“Maybe,” she acknowledged, knowing they probably needed to talk away from her parents, so they had privacy.

So much had happened today, so many reveals, twists and turns, that she just wanted to have a few minutes to share with him alone – to savor these moments, she realized as it dawned on her that she really hadn’t even looked at her ring much or studied it.

Glancing at her hand, she saw the classic engagement ring and smiled. A thin gold circle surrounded her finger, almost as if it was meant to be there, while a round diamond sat perched on top.

There was no brashness, no ‘flair’ or ornamentation, which suited her perfectly. She wanted a symbol, not a flashing neon light, that would garner unwanted attention. This was their moment, their relationship… and it was perfect.

“Do you like it?” he asked softly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “We really didn’t get time to talk, and I know it was a surprise…”

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