Page 86 of Forever Fabled

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“Don’t tease my parents like this because then they’ll only be asking me a ton of questions. Now, my brothers and sisters are coming over for dinner, which means a ton more attention… Oh gosh, they are going to start asking to see a ring and all sorts of stuff we are not prepared for in the slightest. Austin – they are going to really be pushing. You don’t know how they are going to be. I mean, my brothers and sisters just don’t let up when they’ve got new stuff to pick on the other about. This is a big one! We just told each other we loved the other person and nobody’s ready to field a bunch of questions about rings, wedding dresses, or…”

“What makes you think I’m not ready?”

“Austin, it’s…it’s my family,”she whispered passionately, realizing he didn’t understand what can of worms he had opened.

She stopped pacing to look at him standing there with his head slightly angled to the side. He looked confused – and she was feeling devastated, nervous, bordering on hysterical, because there was no way this was actually real – no matter how much she wanted it to be deep in her heart.

“What if,” he began softly, his eyes watching her. “What if… I wanted to be a part of your family?”

… And before she could answer or ask him what he meant, she saw him kneel before her.

“What are y-y-you d-doing?” she stammered, feeling her nose begin to burn as tears stung her eyes as she stared at him. “Get up. This isn’t funny at all…”

“I love you,” he whispered, staring up at her as he took her hand in his. “I’m an insecure idiot who never imagined finding someone that he would chance building a life with, because I don’t know what a normal life looks like. I had a horrible childhood. I’m scared that I won’t be good enough for you, but I also know that I don’t want anyone else to join our story,” he smiled. “Firefly is definitely the donkey from Shrek. He means well, but he’s just there and keeps butting in when I’m trying to impress you. Sidekick material, for sure.”

Giselle laughed tearfully at his words as he smiled.

“I want us to have our happily ever after – even if neither of us knows what the future brings,” he admitted. “I want to figure it out together. Whether it’s here, in Yonder, somewhere else at another base, or even still in Ghazni together with our evening fence-rendezvous… I really want to be a part of your world, Giselle.”

“Really?” she whispered, softly as he brushed his lips against her knuckles, reminding her of paintings where a knight is bestowing a kiss on the maiden’s hand… except there was no armor, no chain-mail, no horses, or sweeping gowns.

“Just two people that found their way through extraordinary means… to this moment together.”

A knock on the door interrupted their brief interlude.

“Just a second…?!” both of them called out in unison, causing them to laugh softly while neither moved.

“Your sister Gemma is here, and the coffee is ready, honey,” her mother called out.

“Give us five minutes, Mom…”

They remained still, listening as she heard her mother’s footsteps walking off down the hallway and voices in the distance. She looked back at Austin, who was digging in the pocket of his jeans and not looking away from her… and pulled out a ring.

She drew in a ragged breath, waiting.

“I want us to be partners, to unite our kingdoms and make little infidels someday that know what being part of a family is,” he smiled tenderly at her, his eyes growing shiny with emotion.

“I’m not sure what anything would look like down the road – I only know that I want you by my side, we can make our choices together, tackle our dreams, and build on this love that I never believed I would be lucky enough to find.”

He drew in a shaky breath and looked at her hand as he slid a diamond engagement ring onto her finger slowly, before looking back up at her with so much adoration in his gaze that it was breathtaking to behold. The ring, a symbol of his love and a silent glistening promise to her, was sparkling on her finger as he still held her hand.

“I know this is fast or seems that way, but I’ve been crazy about you for months now. Giselle Beck, my beloved paladin, princess of my heart, would you do me the greatest honor any knight could have bestowed upon him,” he uttered emotionally. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she breathed… and saw his smile touch his lips as he rose to his feet before her.

“Yeah?” he smiled, his voice trembling and there was such relief in his expression that she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her as they hugged each other tightly.

“I love you,” he whispered against her hair, burying his face like a scared animal, taking refuge as she cradled him in her arms. She couldn’t imagine how insecure he felt, putting himself out there to be accepted once more than he had probably done so many times in the past when settling into a foster home, hoping someone would accept him.

“I love you so much,” she breathed, stroking his back and holding him tightly. “We’ll figure this out together, through thick and thin…”

He nodded, not letting go as he pulled himself together and she waited, knowing how much he needed these precious moments. They simply stood there in the silence holding each other as she heard him take several shaky breaths, whispering to him softly words of encouragement… only to hear another knock on her door.

“Giselle? Gary and Greg are here… so are Grace, Gemma, and Georgia. Are you two coming out? Dinner is almost ready, and everyone is ready to meet your friend,” her mother called out again.

“We’re coming, Mama…” she said simply and smiled at him as he apologized softly, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat. He was emotional, and it touched her that he was so moved at this moment. He wasn’t one of those gruff, tough guys, but so sensitive behind his playful exterior.

She cradled his beloved face in her hands, a palm laying against each cheek as she looked at him.

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