Page 85 of Forever Fabled

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“We should all go camping again sometime, because our family has grown. You forget how fast time passes and how people change. I think this was right before Gideon joined the Army – he’s a paratrooper and ornery as ever. I’m sure he would probably tell me I started my fire wrong or tied my fishing line wrong… because that’s what brothers do.”

“I wouldn’t know,” he said sadly – and she hugged him, spotting her mother in the distance passing the hallway.

“Yes, you would – because you have a whole slew of brothers in your team and I just met them,” she whispered, kissing the shell of his ear from where she stood behind him.

“Just because they aren’t blood doesn’t mean that they don’t care for you. Quit focusing on what is missing and be grateful you have something so beautiful with your friends. Firefly would do anything for you and we both know it,puppy…” she teased and heard him laugh softly as he nodded.

“You’re right – and I guess I never looked at it like that,” he began, turning to smile at her. “Sorry I got distracted.”

“It’s fine. I think Mom is making a pot of coffee and my dad is turning on the television. Let’s put our bags down and…”

“I love you,” he interrupted softly, brushing her hair back as he gazed at her. “I just wanted to say it again when we weren’t rushed and marvel at this for just a moment, if that’s okay?”

“That’s perfectly fine,” she smiled at him, touching his brow before tracing his hairline at his temple. “I love this spot and I don’t know why…”

“We should hang out more, because I bet there are a lot more spots on me to love,” he invited softly, causing the two of them to share a knowing smile.

“Oh yeah?”

“Very much so…” he whispered, leaning to kiss her but picked her up, wrapping his arms around her waist and hefting her upwards just enough to keep her feet off the ground.

“Which room is ours?”

“Yoursis over here…”

“And yours is…?”

She pointed, smirking at him as his eyes danced in laughter.

“Then that’s where mine is.”

“Not under this roof buster… no bunk beds.”

“My daughter is right, son,” her father answered, interrupting them. She expected Austin to freeze or clam up, but he winked at her. “Nobody sleeps together in this house unless they are married.”

“Does that mean you don’t mind?” Austin said easily, not letting her down and turning to face her father as her mouth dropped open in shock.

“What?” she whispered in amazement at his boldness and the unexpected question from him.

“You’re a cheeky boy, aren’t you?”

“Your daughter loves me that way…” he smiled happily, putting her down as her father shook his head.

“The coffee is ready, and your mother said there will be about another hour on the roast, you two,” her father said, walking off and shaking his head as he laughed.

“Is that a ‘Yes, you don’t mind if I pop the question one of thesedays’ or a ‘Yes, I’m cheeky?’ – I just wanted to clarify, sir…” Austin asked loudly, not looking at her, but that telltale dimple was there peeking out, telling her he was trying not to smile. That sweet little mark only appeared when he was smirking or holding back.

… And he was asking her father’s permission for her hand – in marriage?!

“Yes – to both questions,” her father replied loudly. “Gigi, do you want to call the kids and see if they want to come and meet Giselle’s young man?”

“Gigi, Georgia, Giselle, Gideon… do you all have G names?”

“Except Daddy… yes – and I can’t believe you asked him that.”

“Come here,” Austin said simply, picking up their bags and throwing them haphazardly onto the bed in one of the rooms, before shutting the door behind her.

“What are you doing?” she whispered nervously, pacing and nearly having a panic attack as her mind was bombarded with all these new issues that would come with the word ‘marriage’ tossed about randomly.

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