Page 51 of Forever Fabled

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“Then why would you laugh? Boo-boos are serious business. Gangrene is deadly, you know - and it starts with a simple infected cut.”

“Austin, really? A boo-boo?”

“Owie?” he grinned playfully at her – and she burst out laughing at the impish smile combined with the way his eyes danced merrily. “Maybe an ‘ouchie’or a ‘yowwch’? Tetanus too, now that I think about it.”

“Oh my gosh, where do you come up with this stuff?” she chuckled.

“I’m inspired – and we’re off the ground, sweet Giselle.”

Looking out the window, she saw the landscape below them. A myriad of browns, beige, greens, and dark gray mountains made the barren land so incredibly beautiful from this vantage point.

“You are so lucky to see it from this view every day,” she breathed.

“I can honestly say I am a very blessed man in all my daily views…”

She turned – and saw him leaning to peek over her shoulder out the window, but smiling at her.

“Everything I have laid my eyes on in the last two-to-three months is just so incredibly beautiful and I couldn’t be happier,” he breathed – and she reached up to touch his cheek, needing the connection.

Her thumb brushed across his skin, reveling at the differences between them. His skin was rough where he’d shaved and the barely there stubble was catching her thumb. Her finger moved slightly to caress his hairline at his temple.

“… Giselle,” he breathed.

This time, she leaned forward, moving to kiss him… just to prevent her from whispering aloud the feelings stirring within her.

* * *

The flight was uneventful,and they landed in Heathrow for their layover before the long portion of their flight across the Atlantic. Traveling with him was incredible. He indulged her, encouraged her to look at the gift shops and explore what she could while they were there briefly… and she purchased two Cadbury Crunchie’s for them to enjoy.

Giselle knew Austin loved sweets, and every time they’d been together, he had something to snack on. This was a British candy sold here that was distinctly different from anything back home. It was a honeycomb coated in chocolate that smelled divine.

As they boarded the next plane, Austin stopped her almost right away.

“We’re on seventeen…” she said, pulling out her ticket.

“Not anymore,” he countered, winking at her. “I upgraded our tickets while you were in the gift shop. We are right here.”

“First class? Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. Do you want the window seat again, babe?”

Giselle coughed to keep from bleating out the squeal of happiness at the way he called her that, combined with the fact that he was going out of his way to impress her… and it wasn’t necessary.

She was a fish on a hook and not going anywhere.

Oh gosh, if this wasn’t falling in love? She couldn’t imagine what that would be like,she mused silently.I cannot stop thinking about his smile all the time.

As she sat down, he joined her – and promptly lifted the center arm between them, pushing it back between the seatbacks.

“Well, hello…” he said flirtatiously in a playful voice. “Come here often, miss?”

“I am traveling with someone,” she replied, fighting back a laugh.

“A coworker?”

“Not really,” she smiled. “He works nearby, though.”

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