Page 50 of Forever Fabled

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Every time he held her hand, smiled at her, or gave her a look - she felt it straight in her core.

Her fingers were itching to trace his features, to see that soft look in his eyes, and reveled at the feeling between them when he finally, truly, kissed her. Oh goodness, the moment she felt his fingers in her hair, her knees gave…

Had anything ever felt so good?!

And the way he put himself between her and the man who’d poked at her knee, causing it to give… well, she practically purred aloud. He was watching out for her, calling her ‘his girl’, and saying so many things that were creating a fervor in her mind.

Even now, as they loaded onto the plane… he was caring for her. Giselle went first onto the plane and checked her carryon at the gate, just like Austin.

As she moved down the aisle of the aircraft, he was there at her back protectively. She hesitated for a moment and glanced at him, only to see his smile.

“Take the window seat,” he urged softly. “You’ll enjoy the view.”

Nodding, she slid into her seat, and he followed, taking the aisle location. She noted that he put a bottle of water in front of each of them – and tucked the candy bars into the pocket, smiling at her… and winked.

“Sweet tooth…”

“I see,” she chuckled easily, pulling her scarf further down until everyone was on the plane. She was getting pointed looks and frowns from several of the older men as they were getting on the flight.

“Are you okay?” he murmured, looking at her. “You look nervous.”

“I’m fine, just ready to get to Texas,” she admitted – and it was true. There was nothing like being home.

The wide-open skies, the plains, seeing the cattle, horses, and expanses of land along the highways in the country. Smiling faces, soft drawls, and gentle people. Bluebonnets, primroses, cactus, and mesquite trees… yes, there was nothing like it.

“I’m craving a Whataburger,” she breathed softly, closing her eyes. “With extra cheese and spicy ketchup.”

“We’ll have to go there then,” he smiled at her. “There was one in Little Rock, but I grew up on the other side of the city – and zero in Colorado where the Academy was located. I promise we’ll get you one of your burgers before we fly out.”

“You think I’m silly…”

“No,” he disagreed, taking her hand in his. “I think you are ready to go home.”

“I am.”

“And I am happy to be along for the ride,” he said softly, his voice teasing, as he leaned forward to kiss her tenderly… and pulled her scarf slowly forward, causing her to open her eyes – meeting his.

He was there, smiling at her, and they were both hiding under the scarf, laughing softly like children.

“Boo…” he whispered, just before he leaned forward to kiss her again.

The kiss was much too brief as the announcements came on overhead, causing them to part. Giselle adjusted her scarf back and saw his bold wink, making them both chuckle again knowingly. He was a feisty, playful thing, and she loved it.

Austin sat up straight, held her hand in his… and brought it up to kiss her knuckles before resting it on the armrest as the plane started to roll backwards. They were leaving Kabul, and it almost felt like a couple leaving for a honeymoon.

Startled at the thought, she glanced at him… and saw his amiable smile, wondering if he thought the same thing or felt the same way. This week would be very telling between them, and she hoped it was everything she prayed for.

“What are you most anxious to see when we get there?” she asked as they taxied forward, accelerating at a breakneck speed pressing them into the seat. She felt heart jump in her chest nervously and looked at Austin, seeing his relaxed, knowing smile as he watched her.

“We’re fine,” he breathed. “I promise. If you see me bolt for the cabin,thenyou can panic. I’m never going to let anything happen to you.”

She nodded nervously.

“I’m a knight, remember? Protector of the realm? Well, this,” he said, circling his finger between the two of them, “Is our realm and I’ll guard it with my life. Just like if I was injured? You’d fix my boo-boo.”

She laughed nervously, rolling her eyes at him referring to an injury as a ‘boo-boo’.

“What?” he scoffed. “You mean to tell me that you wouldn’t? Have I been misled this entire time?”

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