Page 36 of Forever Fabled

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Around seven o’clock, she checked her email again – and saw there were two responses waiting there for her. One was from her mother and the other was from Austin.


You’ll have to tell me all about your friend, honey. I hope you are doing well and everything is going well here. We miss you and love you very much – but it does my heart good to hear you are happy.

What’s this boy’s name?

Do you have a picture?

What does he look like?

Do we get to meet him?

Oh! Your sister is going to have another baby – Georgia just told me yesterday that she was pregnant again.

Isn’t that wonderful?



Smiling, she didn’t reply yet because she had no idea how to answer half the questions… and felt a little unsure at some of them. No, she had no photos, and they weren’t really at ‘that’phase yet.

They were friends, and she didn’t want to make it weird if he wasn’t interested in her like that, too. She thought he might be, but he was playing it very cool sometimes… like he was interested, but only mildly.

She was the one going at the speed of light and had to keep reminding herself that they were ‘just friends’.

Clicking on Austin’s email… her breath caught in her throat.

Once upon a time…

Long, long ago…

There was a HANDSOME knight…

And a frustrated but BREATHTAKING paladin with infinite patience…

Who put up with the devilish rascal, because it made them both incredibly happy to take five minutes a day to see each other, share brief messages, and snack on unexpected delights in the moonlight…

But what that knight didn’t know was the paladin yearned for what she could not have, searching the world over for a treasure few would discover…

What a journey it would be - especially if they traveled together, pairing their skills and attributes that made each of them special…

See you soon,


This ‘story’ they were creating was definitely leading her down a mental path that made her wonder if maybe he actually was interested in her. After all, he’d asked her to dance at the fence… and she’d brushed him off, feeling frightened and shy.

Mentally, she was feeling a little unsure of herself and having gotten that email from her mom… she was definitely a little homesick. Everyone seemed to be moving along in their lives and she was really happy for her sister – but all of it seemed so far away for herself.

She couldn’t even fathom calling her mother to tell her she was going to have a baby because there was no room for that right now in her world – much less any of the other stuff that came with it.

It was sad that her single best relationship involved a ten-minute discussion with a man she barely knew, parted by a fence, in the cover of darkness, so they had a little privacy without being questioned.

Hitting reply, she wondered if Austin would see it before or after seeing him… and almost didn’t send it. What did any of this mean? There were so many ins and outs, so many innuendos, that she was afraid to let her heart hope too much – and wished there was some sort of sign or clarification of what exactly was budding between them.

If it was just friendship, then she needed to quit feeling like each moment at the fence was two people, meeting under the stars, against all odds – because that just made it romantic in her mind.

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