Page 35 of Forever Fabled

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Reaper paused and glanced at Colonel Bradford – who nodded. Yup, this move had already been cleared and decided. There was no changing it. Austin was getting a new wingman.

“We’ve recently lost two of our own, demoted to civilians,” Reaper joked, smiling faintly. “Ghost and Maestro will always be in our hearts, but in their departure? We have a few fresh faces among our team.”

No one moved – not even to glance at the newbies that arrived this very morning. Austin assumed this was an introduction, a kind of ‘meet the team’ get together… and that wasn’t the case.

“Ricochet, step forward please,” Reaper said loudly, pausing. “First Lieutenant Briscoe… Ricochet,” he repeated in greeting as the blond-haired pilot stepped forward and saluted their new leader. “It is my distinct honor to move you to squadron leader… Captain Briscoe.”

Reaper yanked the insignia off Ricochet’s uniform, replacing it – and nobody breathed. Austin wanted to chance a glance at Paradox, his own wingman, to see if he was okay. He knew his friend had to be boiling mad right now, because it was always assumed that he would take Reaper’s place as squadron leader next.

“The pleasure is mine, sir!” Ricochet said loudly, saluting both officers before returning to his position in line with the rest of them. He didn’t dare chance a look down the row… especially not as Reaper spoke again.

“Ricochet, your new wingman will be Cajun – who was just reassigned to our squadron. Welcome aboard, Cajun.”

“Thank you, sir!”

“Outfield, welcome to our team,” Reaper continued stoically, “And you’ll be flying at my side as my wingman.”

Austin snorted.

Man, that had to chap the other guy’s hide. He couldn’t imagine being assigned to the boss the first day, as if you needed to be babysat or something. There was a lot more freedom and fun if you weren’t under the microscope… and saw Reaper’s gaze focus on him sharply.

“My apologies, sir. Allergies,” Austin said openly, standing completely still, almost ramrod straight in his body’s alignment.

“Sparky and Copperhead – you are now paired up,” Reaper announced, and he felt a rush of gratitude at the choice.

If he couldn’t be assigned to Paradox anymore, then Copperhead would have been his next request. He was a little more hotheaded than most, but he genuinely liked the guy.

“Thank you, sir!” both men said in unison, saluting.

They paired the rest of the team up, just before they were dismissed with orders to be prepared to fly at thirteen-hundred hours. As everyone relaxed their stance, Ricochet was called away almost immediately… leaving them standing there with Paradox.

“What the heck, man…” Riptide uttered bluntly as several sets of eyes swung around to look at the tall man that was staring daggers at the doorway that Ricochet and Reaper had just disappeared.

Austin knew he had to be seething and if nothing else? Paradox was a proud man… weird, but proud.

“Paradox…” Austin began – and froze.

Paradox looked at him with so much hostility and pain in his eyes, that he didn’t say anything else. His friend needed time and space to come to terms with the obvious rejection and being passed over for promotion.

“If you need to talk…”

Paradox walked off abruptly, spitting on the ground.

Yep. Things were going to be tense and for the first time in forever, he truly wanted to get away… fast. He was going to put in for vacation, a break, a breather – and an idea hit him.

He was going to ask Giselle to go with him tonight.



Giselle had been heading backtowards the clinic when she saw the airmen lined up on the airstrip, all standing there formally at parade rest with their hands behind their backs. Something was going on and she was curious… and spotted Austin standing there at the end of the line.

She wondered if he ever looked for her like she searched for him – and decided to take a chance to give a small, nervous wave… only to feel like an idiot two seconds later because he could not obviously wave back.

Stepping inside, she checked her email again and saw it was empty. Sending a quick email to her parents, she smiled. It was strange to tell anyone about her friend… because it made it real.

Getting up from the desk, she only hoped that the rest of the afternoon flew by because she couldn’t wait to see him this evening – and show him the surprise that she had picked up for the two of them for their ‘fence rendezvous’.

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