Page 37 of Forever Fabled

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Once upon a time…

Long, long ago…

There was a HANDSOME knight…

And a frustrated but BREATHTAKING paladin with infinite patience…

Who put up with the devilish rascal, because it made them both incredibly happy to take five minutes a day to see each other, share brief messages, and snack on unexpected delights in the moonlight…

But what that knight didn’t know was the paladin yearned for what she could not have, searching the world over for a treasure few would discover… What a journey it would be - especially if they traveled together, pairing their skills and attributes that made each of them special…

Though she was scared, the paladin was intrigued – wanting to know more…

See you soon,


* * *

Getting up from the desk,she went to busy herself and change – eager to see how he reacted to her little surprise.

Two hours later, Giselle was jogging and on the third loop around the base, standing there waiting and feeling slightly nervous. They were going to run out of time today if he didn’t hurry when she finally spotted him headed in her direction.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” Austin began quickly. “I got stuck talking when I was checking the calendar for dates.”

“It’s no problem,” she smiled easily, watching him dig into his pockets for something. “Just glad you are here now. Do you want some water?” she asked, holding out a bottle she’d brought for him.

“Oh… ah, actually?” he began and hesitated. “I kinda wanted to talk for a few minutes about something – and I brought a cream soda. It’s a little shaken, but I think it will be okay.”

“Cream soda?” she chuckled, surprised. “You must have made out like a bandit at the exchange the other day. Gummy worms and now a cream soda? Talk about a jackpot! What did you want to discuss?”

He was still glancing around, looking awfully distracted as he twisted off the top of the soda and jumped back slightly as it fizzed up, going over the top of the bottle.

“I had a cup…” he said distractedly. “Dang it…”

“No cooties here,” she teased and hesitated. Would he think she was weird even saying that? I mean, sometimes you did what you had to, and it wouldn’t bother her… but maybe it would bother him.

He looked at her and appeared to visibly relax, handing her the cream soda through the fence.

“If you are good – I’m good.”

She nodded and took a sip, handing it back through to him… and watched him do the same, digging out her own surprise for him – a tiny Bama pecan pie that was slightly crumbled and broken in the shipping.

Donna had ordered a box of them on Amazon… and she bought one from her as a treat for Austin. He’d been so sweet with the gummy worms and wanted to return the favor.

“I have a surprise for you too…” she began as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I had this idea and I’m afraid you will think I’m weird, but I think I really want to do this,” Austin began and hesitated, looking at her, pausing. “What’s that?”

She had her hand through the fence, holding the tiny pecan pie for him.

“I think we are loading up on sugar during our fence rendezvous… dessert and drinks,” she smiled up at him, meeting his eyes as he stared at her.

“Go away with me,” he whispered, not moving. “Let’s go away somewhere and get to know each other better. I jotted down some dates so we could put in for leave if possible.”

He took the tiny pie out of her hand – and put his hand there instead, holding hers.

“I… ah…” he stammered, looking like he wanted to say more – and she stopped him, feeling her heart slam against her chest at the feeling of something so simple as holding hands.

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