Page 20 of Forever Fabled

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Whoaaaa boy…Austin thought in a split second, knowing the two fought like cats and dogs sometimes – and saw Paradox’s expression.


Ricochet shot out of his chair, climbing onto the computer tables and halfway over the partition before they began to move into action. Maestro was laughing with delight, having gotten a rise out of the cool, arrogant man.

“Whoaaaa! Whoa! Whoa!” Austin snapped, grabbing at the belt of Ricochet’s coveralls.

“Hang on, boys… not the computers!” Inferno snapped, going for Ricochet’s collar and arms, tugging him backwards away from Maestro. “Off the desks, buddy!”

“I told you before, loudmouth, that she’s way out of your league…” Ricochet snarled angrily.

“Time to batter up…” Maestro grinned, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head, taunting him again. “I’m gonna knock it outta the ballpark if I ever meet a sweet, young, hotMissBriscoe…”

“Maestro, knock it off,” Ghost whispered hotly, glancing around and looking distinctly worried. “I do not want to lose computer privileges. Ricochet? Inferno is right. It will take forever to get new computers if we destroy these. Remember the Army guys only have one computer that they have to share…”

“Man, that would suck…” Austin muttered openly and frowning. If he lost his computer privileges, he might just join in the fight because he would be livid at being cut off from Giselle.

“Right? I don’t want that to happen to us,” Ghost said firmly. “So, can you two please take it outside and leave the poor PCs alone?”

“My sister would take one look at you and laugh, Maestro…” Ricochet goaded. “You aren’t her type – unless she’s slumming and desperate.”

“Desperate girls need love, too,” Maestro shrugged, giving Ricochet a sly look, baiting him.

“Is that how you got some girl knocked up?” Ricochet said innocently.

Austin and Inferno cursed at once, moving for him… as Ghost dove for Maestro almost immediately.

“You don’t know anything about that!” Maestro roared angrily, surging to his feet and putting his finger in the other man’s face. Ricochet simply slapped it away, smirking at him.

These two idiots were going to get busted for fighting if they didn’t quit yelling at each other or making a mess of the area.

“Probably a classic ‘touch-and-go’move… or did you stick around for sloppy seconds?”

“Your sister didn’t complain… and neither did your mother.”

“You know nothing about my family!”

“If I ever meet any woman with the last name of Briscoe – I’m gonna say ‘hello’just for you, Ricochet…”

“You’d sleep with anything…” Ricochet taunted, and Maestro’s face transformed. He was about to beat the stuffing out of the other man, and it was evident to everyone. The quiet man literally swelled up, both fists clenched, and his arms tensed up like he was fixing to throw a punch.

Bye, bye computers…Austin thought, getting to his feet because if they were going to throw down – he was going to get in a few swings for good measure because they would all end up cut off from the internet as punishment.

“Why, I ought to…”

“Knock it off – NOW!” Reaper said bluntly, appearing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. “I don’t want to know what happened, nor do I care, but I will tell you this much – ifIlose my computer privileges and cannot talk to my Sophie? I’ll put you both in the clinic with blunt force trauma… am I clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I can’t hear you…” Reaper whispered, cupping his ear pointedly.

“SIR! YES, SIR!” All five men shouted in unison, snapping to attention as Austin felt his hands shaking with relief and the rush of adrenaline.Thank goodness someone could get through to those two hot-tempered nitwits,he thought silently, saluting.

“Good…” Reaper acknowledged. “Now, Maestro - not sure if you have heard, but Reilly is a genuine piece of work. That miserable man will cancel your leave at the drop of a hat if he gets mad. So, try not to act up before you fly out Friday? Ricochet, you too. Your vacation starts in two weeks, so try not to blow it before you get a break from the worst sandbox in the world… okay?”

As the men filed out of the computer room, Austin saw Ricochet stop Maestro, pulling on his shoulder and turning him around in the hallway, talking silently to him.

Paradox walked backwards right between the two of them and pretended to silently play a violin on his shoulder, smirking at the men. Austin wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to mess with them too, and needed an outlet for everything bubbling inside of him.

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