Page 19 of Forever Fabled

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His mind was wondering what she was like, imagining all sorts of things, and he kept finding himself drawn to her… and the odds of them being compatible at all were horrifically bad.

He could end up really liking her, and she could be completely uninterested – or worse yet? What if she was married and just looking for entertainment? He’d heard of guys that met up with women only to find out they were married to another service person that was deployed. Yeah, he was very cautious indeed – even if he wanted to meet her.

Just as he was getting ready to log out, her name popped up once more.

“Oh thank you, God…” he breathed softly, smiling and clicking on it.


About 8pm again tomorrow night?

I’ll bring two bottles of water along with some Gatorade powder…

Two friends meeting and saying ‘hello’ – that’s it – and we have to keep this to ourselves. Do not tell anyone at all we are meeting or talking.


Clicking reply, he couldn’t stop the stupid laugh that bubbled up from him as he wrote her back quickly.


I’ll smuggle a banana or two from the mess hall for ‘dinner and drinks’. See you tomorrow… and now I’m really going. Phew!


Getting up from his seat, he couldn’t stop grinning.

He had a date!

* * *

The next morning,Sparky was trying to keep from gushing happily as he saw that he had another email from Giselle. The room was quite crowded, and other guys surrounded him, all using the computers during this brief break in the day.

“Sheesh… Ghost! Can you either stop radiating sunshine over there, or read it aloud so the rest of us can enjoy whatever has you grinning like the Joker…” Maestro said suddenly, causing him to look up and chuckle. The man looked completely sour and disgruntled, glaring at Ghost – who was blushing.

Well, somebody got a smutty email…Austin grinned, feeling slightly envious of the guy.

He couldn’t even imagine what his own reaction would be, but he guessed it would be pretty similar – the dude was stammering and sputtering, looking completely beside himself.

“Oh, I can’t read it aloud, guys,” Ghost said, causing Austin’s smile to widen even more.

Maestro groaned audibly and sighed, sliding down in his chair as he, Ricochet, and Inferno started laughing knowingly.

Yup. Ghost got something awfully juicy in his email box.

Austin hoped the guy didn’t log off when he left the station… because he was gonna snoop out of sheer curiosity and glanced at Paradox, who raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. He would have company snooping and nearly laughed aloud once more.

The two men grinned at each other, conspiring silently.

His wingman.

“Ohhhh my gosh, I wish I had a girlfriend that would write me naughty things like that. You stupid, lucky cuss…” Maestro uttered despondently. “Noooo, I literally get a bill forwarded to me by my child’s Baby-Momma-Drama that I get to deal with on a few rare occasions.”

“So pay it,big daddy,” Ricochet teased.

“How’s that sister of yours?” Maestro taunted openly, harassing the other pilot, giving him a sly smile. Ghost looked so relieved in that moment that the focus was off of him and went back to reading his email.

“Single? Pretty? I bet she’s some sensuous, seductive, young lady just waiting for a…”

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