Page 112 of Forever Fabled

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Reaper didn’t say a word, he only extended a hand to Austin, pulling him to his feet - and hugging him.

Shocked, Austin heard him speak.

“I was scared that you were gone,” Reaper said quietly. “I’ve got a year left and I can’t lose…”

“If Sophie had been out there, would you have checked on her?”

“I wouldn’t have her here – period.”

“And I’m not,” Austin agreed. “Giselle is going home in July.”

“Well, crap…” Reaper uttered under his breath before chuckling in awareness of what his announcement meant, releasing him and rubbing his face. “I know what that means. Ghost, X-Ray, Firefly… and you too now, huh?”

“I can’t take seeing her and not being able to hold or touch her. It’s terrible and I don’t know how you do it.”

“I understand,” Reaper admitted in a sigh. “I can only do it because she’s not in my face daily. If I had to look at Sophie on a daily basis and knew I couldn’t hug her, touch her, or hold her hand for months on end? It would kill me. The separation is hard enough… but those homecomings?”

The man got a distant smile on his face that Austin understood in a way he never did before, thinking of what had happened between him and Giselle not twenty minutes ago.

“… Sophie’s welcome makes the sacrifice worth it all in the end,” Reaper said hoarsely, before clearing his throat. “No more escapades next door – am I clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” Reaper replied – and smirked. “Now, report to Hawkins because you unequivocally just volunteered for an additional duty assignment.”


“Hawkins – now! And just be glad that I am not turning this in for abandoning your post. You never leave when things are this hot – and you should know better. Stop thinking with your pants and use your head, Sparky.”


“Was she worth it?”

Austin didn’t even hesitate as he saw the glimmer of understanding in Reaper’s eyes – and the faint smirk on his face. The man was ‘punishing’ him without actually doing so.

“Very much so.”

“Then quit arguing with me and get moving.”

* * *

That evening,exhausted and emotionally drained from the day’s events that unexpectedly dragged into the evening hours thanks to his new duty shift… Austin emailed Giselle to apologize that he was going to miss their rendezvous tomorrow evening – only to see that she had emailed him first.

Hey sweetheart,

I am so sorry, but I am not going to make our date tomorrow night. Because of everything that happened, the supplies we used, with the people we are still treating for wounds and injuries… we are doing another check of our supplies and prepping.

I’ve got my screen open right now on the other tab and typing up my resignation letter. I always thought I would be scared to do this, nervous, or much older… but I cannot tell you how happy this makes me feel right now.

I also got an email about my EMT license online… and nailed the test! I feel like things are working out for us – and I’m truly excited. I emailed someone named Eileen Ballantine to verify if they still had the opening, explaining that I’ve passed my EMT licensure online, where I am stationed, and our move to the area… so I’m hoping I get good news back. If nothing else, I’ve got the first step done.

Austin, I can’t stop thinking about you and if we have to sleep on the floor of some crummy apartment, eat ramen noodles for a month, or worse – I’m finding that I don’t even mind. I just want to be close, make a home with you, and enjoy that glimpse of what life can be like together that seems so long ago.

My contract end date is July 11th – and hopefully we will be close on the time frame. Should I start looking at apartments?

I love you,


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