Page 111 of Forever Fabled

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“Yes, sir!” she said immediately, snapping to attention perfectly, which gave him a sense of pride at seeing her there.

“Bye, babe,” Austin said swiftly, leaning forward to kiss her as she darted off back towards the clinic, watching her go before turning back to the captain that had given him this unexpected blessing.

“Thank you, sir… from the bottom of my heart. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you understanding that I just needed to see her and make sure she was okay.”

“I understand – and we need to keep this quiet,” Logan said quietly. “Nobody is to know about this, because I don’t need people migrating back and forth between the bases… especially after today.”

“I understand.”

“I’m glad you and your pen pal hit it off,” Logan began as a soldier walked forward.

“You called, captain?”

“Keyes – can you escort Lieutenant Calder back to his hidey-hole? I believe he got ‘lost’…” Logan said, smirking. “Make sure he gets home safely and then report to my office.”

“Yes, sir.”

… And it hit Austin.

“How did you know she was my pen pal?” Austin asked, stunned and staring at the man in surprise – only to see his knowing smile widen with a smugness that was irritating.

“Who do you think gave Beck your information?”

“… What?”

“Perhaps you should just count your blessings, airman, and quit asking so many questions. You don’t have to know every detail, just know that it was handled… and handled well by those of us that care about our team. Now, go.”

Keyes grabbed him on the shoulder, pulling Austin away from the captain before he could question him further… and he shrugged off the other man’s hand.

As they walked out into the evening air, Keyes brought up his rifle, surveying the darkening landscape in the distance before walking Austin past the security gate. Walking towards the other gate, he was shocked to see Reaper standing there, arms crossed over his chest with a security guard.

Keyes elbowed him lightly, indicating Austin should go ahead and take the lead, before Keyes paused in his steps – waiting.

“Thank you, soldier,” Reaper said loudly. “I’ll take it from here.”

Was he in trouble?

“Welcome back, Sparky,” Reaper said quietly, before signaling the security guards and they walked off. “Did you have a good time playing in the Army’s sandbox next door,airman?”


“I should have asked or…”

“Yes, you should have,” Reaper said coolly in an icy voice, staring at him, his black eyes piercing as Austin realized that the man was livid. He’d never seen him this angry and it was slightly terrifying.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” Austin began, feeling a touch of fear in his chest as Reaper closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. “I just was so scared that…”

“You think I wasn’t?” Reaper bit out angrily. “You think I like being told by security that you ran out of the gates…and hadn’t come back?”

… Just as Austin was about to open his mouth to apologize again or defend himself – the unexpected happened…

Reaper shoved his shoulders hard, unseating him and knocking him to the ground, screaming at him. His commanding officer was standing over him, leaning over, putting his finger in Austin’s face.


Austin stared up at him silently and saw the fear in his eyes, realizing that he had truly scared the man that had befriended him, watched out for him, and had taken him under his wing since he first arrived.

“I’m so sorry, brother,” he breathed openly, putting his hands up in surrender… only to see something fracture in the other man’s face.

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