Page 113 of Forever Fabled

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Austin smiled softly to himself,as he realized just how wonderful their future was going to be together. They thought very similarly, and he had already been working with a realtor looking for a place for them already - on the sly.

It was time to show his cards… because he was considering putting down the earnest money on a place and already had his VA loan approved.

Now, he wanted Giselle’s approval on the place he finally had settled on.

* * *


So, I guess maybe I should admit just how infatuated I am with you and what you do to me… because I already got pre-approved for my VA loan and have been looking at homes for about three months now. I’ve got quite a nice deposit to put down on a place – and think this would be perfect for us.

There is a craftsman style house about three miles away from Flyboys – closer in town. There is an elementary school at the very end of the street (for in the future) and while it needs a little updating? I think it’s something we can handle together and make it our own.

The yellow paint and white trim just make me think of ‘home’ – and I could see myself carrying you over the threshold or passing out Halloween candy to the neighborhood children. The railings on the front porch would be so cute with Christmas lights – or maybe some silly flower baskets.

(Look at me getting all ‘domestic’ now…)

Look around at the photos, tell me what you think… or if I’m crazy. I love you darling – and don’t worry about tomorrow. I’m on duty for the next three nights because of my little stunt… I might have left without telling anyone. Ha ha ha!

Get some rest and be ready to be ‘wined and dined’ on Friday. I’ve got a bag of Twizzlers with your name on it, my lovely Paladin.

Always your knight,




Staringin disbelief at the computer, this email was just the thing she needed after her conversation with Captain Logan and Gretchen Perry. Boy, it was not pretty in the slightest.

Giselle had laid down her resignation paper on Captain Logan’s desk the moment that Gretchen was there, in the office, talking to someone… only to get yanked in to have a ‘discussion’.

As Gretchen walked in, took one look at Giselle, and then glanced at the captain, who was putting his head down in his hands… and the sparks flew.

Gretchen slammed the door behind her.

“I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN!” Gretchen snarled angrily, putting her finger in Captain Logan’s face, shocking Giselle like she’d put her tongue on a nine-volt battery.

“You told me this wouldn’t happen! You promised me that this was just a friendly communication, and nobody was leaving my team. This isn’t fair, Logan, and you know it.”

“I’m good,” he smirked… but that smile didn’t reach his eyes. “What can I say?”

“You can say ‘NO’,” Gretchen stormed hotly. “I do not want the ‘Romeo squad’ infecting my department. It’s like…lice! Spreads like wildfire and takes forever to get rid of it. Most of the time, it’s disgusting to boot. I mean, just look at some of the team you have now? … Bunch of goofballs and airheads, I swear!”

“Ewww…” both Giselle and Logan said in unison – making faces.

“That’s disgusting, Perry. Falling in love is not like catching lice. That’s just plain nasty – and your husband is rubbing off on you,” Logan uttered. “Not in a good way either, I might add.”

“Ha!” Gretchen snapped, crossing her arms angrily and glaring at Giselle before continuing. “So what? You are wanting to go home and live a boring life? You know medical credits don’t hardly transfer to the civilian world and you have to get your license or…” and then hesitated as a look of shock crossed her expressive face.

“Isthiswhy you asked to use the printer? You’ve already been working on it, haven’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Giselle acknowledged quietly. “After hours – but yes.”

“Can you blame her after what happened?” Logan said heavily, sitting back in his chair and looking utterly defeated. “I’ve had three already today requesting transfers and two resignations – not including this one. People get scared or want safety – and I can’t really blame them.”

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