Page 108 of Forever Fabled

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She grabbed her penlight and shone it in their eyes, checking for pupil dilation, before inspecting their wounds.

“Muldoon, can you fire?”


“Go! They need you…” she ordered bluntly. The man had split his head and would have a throbbing headache, but he would live and wasn’t urgent in her opinion as she ran through her mental stats, registering them in order of priority.

“Pendergast,” she barked, getting his attention and checking him. This one, not so much… his pupils were slow and he was groggy. “Can you fire your gun, soldier?”


“Stay here,” she said, pushing him back down into a seated position and shoving a rifle in his hands – just in case. “Don’t fire unless you hear me scream.”

“Doc? I don’t feel so good…”

“I know Pendergast, just stay awake for me and we are getting some help soon, okay buddy?”

She moved to Ortega just as he coughed up blood.

… Thiswasan emergency!

He was holding his side and bubbles were coming out of his mouth – the man had a punctured lung. She quickly moved about, trying not to create any more problems for the man that had to be suffering… or dying.

“Stay put!” she ordered and peered out of the truck. “Morrison! Do you have a radio? I need the medical team now!”


She gave him a flat look.

“I need him in the clinic! Ortega is dying…” she said bluntly and winced, hearing Pendergast crying out in alarm as she looked back inside to see the other man slumping over.

“Oh Jesus save us…” Pendergast was whimpering, holding the other man’s slack hand in his. “Ortega?! Ortega! Hey buddy… man… you gotta hang on…”

Giselle looked back at Morrison.

“I NEED THE CLINIC NOW!” she roared hotly, turning back inside and grabbing the unconscious man under the arms, pulling him from the truck limply… and proceeded to start dragging him towards the gates in the distance.

Morrison was swiftly cursing her up one side and down the other – before barking orders at Trigger to stay put. The German shepherd was growling angrily but remaining still as the other soldiers ran forward to the gates and moved to help Giselle.

“There’s two more men missing – I think they were thrown from the truck,” she snapped, seeing Gretchen running towards her… and she was grateful.

Overheated, scared, alarmed, muscles aching, and throat hoarse… it was still a sight better than poor Ortega.

The two women dropped to the ground, falling on Ortega and began working to stabilize him as some others finally arrived moments later with a back board to carry him to where the lifesaving tools were located.

“Go…” Gretchen ordered. “There are more injured, right?”

“Yes!” Giselle barked, snapping like Houghton would have done – demanding obedience because there was no room for discussion or error. They needed to get Ortega inside and could carry the backboard. “We’ve got this…”

A plane roared overhead, swooping low and giving recovery fire to them.

Everything was happening so fast, in such a blur. There was such an organized chaos as men moved forward, armed, and taking steps to defend the base’s entry… as the attackers started to dissipate, hiding from those that were now fighting back with everything they had, protecting their own.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Logan carrying a limping soldier, Turner, maybe? They were moving towards the base as someone else had Collins, helping him forward by physically dragging him.

Collins obviously had two broken legs – one of them severe.

Lifting the back board with Gretchen, they began to move quickly towards the clinic in the distance… and she took a second to view the nightmare around them.

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