Page 109 of Forever Fabled

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Looking around, she could hear the radios, the engine roaring of the Falcons above, the deafening sound of bullets… and the cries of pain. The smell of diesel mixed with gunpowder, combined with the salty smell of sweat and blood… no that would be a scent she would never forget.

Giselle’s arms ached and she desperately wanted to check on Austin, but she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t let herself break yet, and set back to work once more trying to stabilize the man before her.

* * *

It feltlike hours had passed, and Giselle was moving from cot to cot checking on the men – feeling a tap on her shoulder. Glancing up, she saw Captain Logan’s grimy face… and Austin’s beloved one.

Thatwas when she broke.

A sob welled up from deep inside of her as she crumbled. Austin and Captain Logan, both grabbed her by the arms, pulling her away from the wounded – before pushing her into a small doorway.

A bathroom.

“Pull it together, Beck…ah… Calder,” Logan hissed firmly. “Congrats, but those men out there cannot see you break down yet - and we both know that! Our duty isn’t done, and you can’t give in to this. Swallow it down, and put that confident face on. Take ten minutes for yourself with your husband… and then I need to see my medic back in her place - at one hundred percent. Am I clear?”

Giselle nodded tearfully, sniffing and wiping her face as she looked at Logan’s harsh stare and heard his voice crack as he continued, revealing what was truly in his mind, just before his eyes softened.

“Crying comes later when you are alone, and it hits you hard at what just happened today. I’ll be the guy in the chapel bawling like a baby, if you need company.”

Giselle laughed tearfully as Austin hugged her close – and Logan shut the door in their faces, giving them privacy.

“Oh my gosh,” Austin breathed, his arms seizing her as he held her close, whispering rapidly, his emotions racing. “I was so scared I was going to lose you… are you okay? I just kept seeing them shooting at all of you, and the truck on it’s side…”

She clutched at him and sobbed painfully, smelling the sweat and grime on him, combined with something else she didn’t recognize. Was that jet fuel or…

It didn’t matter,she realized, because he was here, holding her.

He was… here?!

“How did you get on base?” she asked, pulling back and looking at him tearfully in alarm.

“I caught the captain and Selkirk trying to drag another two bodies towards the gates. I ran off base to help them, immediately asking to see you for a few minutes. I was kinda shocked that the captain gave in and Selkirk told him we had gotten married a few months ago… and… well, I’m here for just a few moments before I’m going to be escorted off again.”

Austin paused as he swallowed, completely overcome with what had just happened… and nodded silently.

It was a lot – for both of them.

She immediately moved forward, needing to draw comfortfromhim and provide ittohim. He was her rock, her reason for every smile and every laugh… and the singular person that would always have her back in so many ways.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, putting her hands on either side of his face and drawing him towards her… only to feel him take the reins as two tight bands of sinewy corded arms closed around her waist, holding her against the wall of his chest as his lips crashed against hers.

He needed this as much as she desperately did – this reassurance that there was nothing separating them, they were there for each other… andalive.

… So blessedly alive!

Austin was still kissing her when she moved to unzip his flight suit at the same time that he was reaching for her pants, his hands shaking and desperate. She needed to feel him close, to revel in the ragged emotions still surging in her… and it had to be the same for him.

No words were said.

They looked at each other as their kiss ended… both brokenly chuckling in sheer disbelief at this stolen moment neither expected, yet trying to hold back tears of joy, love, overwhelming relief needing this connection in a way neither could explain.

“Clocks ticking, flyboy… time for the Petersen Maneuver?” she said huskily, as he locked the door to the bathroom, pinning her hands above her head.

“As you wish, Sarge,” he smiled, kissing her again.



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