Page 107 of Forever Fabled

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“I know that!” she snapped hotly and heard the klaxons wailing in alarm, the sirens filling the air… nearly dulling out the voices.

“Oh my gosh…” she whispered, staring in disbelief at the men in the distance making a run at them. They were carrying guns and other weapons, bottles with rags sticking out of the top, shovels, pitchforks, and other items to attack them with.

Did they seriously think they were going to take the base like…this?

The base would never fall… however the soldiers surrounding her could.

“MORRISON! WE’VE GOT HOSTILES COMING IN HOT…” Keyes screamed out as Selkirk appeared with blood running down his temple, quickly drawing his gun – and waving?!

“You don’t have to all surrender at once, you know…” Selkirk hollered in a sing-song voice, causing Morrison and the others to laugh in disbelief.

Laughter was probably the only thing that kept them from crossing the line of ‘protective’ and ‘duty-bound’ to ‘primal rage and panicked self-preservation’.

“One at a time,” Selkirk continued, wiping the blood off his face. “You can surrenderone at a time… it’s probably better that way, too!”

“Let me see you,” she ordered – only to have him push her hand away as he gave her a hard look, all joking aside and forgotten. His duty was to protect her, so she could help them… and he took it seriously.

“It’s just a scratch. I’m fine… and get down!”

Selkirk grabbed her by the pack, yanking her bodily down behind the truck that she only just realized was on its side. She saw him looking around, his expression dark.

“Where’s Turner and Collins?”

“Peña? You okay, buddy?”

“I don’t know…”

Keyes, Selkirk, and Peña swung their rifles up in unison… as she heard screaming behind them.


She glanced over her shoulder to see Austin there, being held back by three men as a fourth was running towards him. He was struggling, trying to free himself, kicking and trying to leave the base – all to get to her side, as bullets began to ring out.

Trigger ran to her side as Morrison stood over her, blocking her view. The tall man swung up his rifle, protecting her, and began firing.

The sounds were jarring and alarming, like jackhammers going off in her skull as she began waving at Austin to get back. If he got shot in front of her eyes…

Just the thought was sending sheer panic up her spine – and she slapped at Morrison who was standing over her, almost obscenely close, trying to get him to move to the side.

“Get off me and let me look for the others!” she screamed out – and gratefully he did so.

Austin had no idea just how safe she was with these men, because they would do anything to keep ‘Doc’safe… because nobody messed with ‘Doc’.

Soldiers were already flooding forward to help them… and she screamed quickly at Austin at the slight break in gunfire as Selkirk and Peña were reloading.

“GET UP THERE AND PROTECT US!” her voice warbled and strained with the effort, screaming out the words at him, and pointing at the sky.

Austin wasn’t going to do any good down here, but get in trouble – but up there? He was their eyes and ears from the sky and could fire, if needed.

Her words must have struck a chord, because he turned and ran off with the other men towards the planes… and they roared overhead within minutes, one right after the other.

Giselle moved along the protective shell of the truck, her eyes scanning the horizon looking for anyone that might be trying to get the surprise on them.

What exactly had happened?!

Could someone have detonated a bomb? The truck was monitored the entire time they were in town on patrol. Wasn’t it?

Grabbing a knife from her belt, she sawed off the ties holding down the covering to gain access to the back of the truck and spotted Muldoon, Pendergast, and Ortega shaking their heads as they struggled to stand. One man was bleeding heavily from his head, while another had blood coming out of his mouth, and the other was holding his ribs. They probably hadn’t been fast enough to grab onto something and bounced around inside the truck several times until landing.

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