Page 101 of Forever Fabled

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“Yeah, babe?”

“Can we talk for a few minutes about something?”

“Always…” he began, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

“July,” she hedged and felt him tense. “I think I want to come home and build a life here… in Yonder.”

He sat up, his dog tags rattling noisily as he looked at her in surprise – and relief.

“I thought you’d want to go to Wichita Falls or…”

“I think I want to be here,” she admitted. “I really feel like I am starting to fit in, and your family is here. We can see mine whenever we want and if we needed anything? Everyone is close and it feels… good,” she finished lamely.

“Are you sure?”

“Very,” she nodded looking at him. “Tonight, when I saw you talking to the children, I realized that I want our own to have friends around them and not just their cousins who are kinda obliged to love them, in my personal mind - but true friends to hang out with, play with, go to school with? I would like those bonds to continue to grow,” she hesitated.

“Does any of that make sense or am I being silly? Family means a lot to me, and I don’t want to choose one over the other, but take advantage of having both available to us, while building our own.”

“You’re sure,” he asked hoarsely, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her.

“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” she admitted. “The more I think about it, the more I love the idea. We could find a little place for us close by and maybe I can look at getting my nursing license… oooh,” she perked up. “Maybe a paramedic or EMT? That would be exciting!”

He laughed, pulling her into his arms and kissing her tenderly.

“If I hadn’t already fallen in love with you – this would certainly seal the deal, Mrs. Calder,” he teased, holding her close. “I would love to build a life with you here, watch our children grow up with our friends, and visit Grandma Gigi and Grandpa Max on the weekends.”

“So… July?”

“We’re done,” he said firmly and smiled. “Honestly, this is a relief because I wanted to come back the moment the guys talked to me about a job. I was just too scared to say anything because I didn’t want to let you down.”

“You are never going to let me down,” she smiled up at him, touching his temple. It was amazing to think how such a big life-altering decision was made so easily, simply, because she felt supported by him. “Just love me and have my back when I need you.”

“I’m there… always, Giselle,” he promised.



Ghazni, Afghanistan

This was probablythe hardest thing Giselle had ever done.

Climbing into the back of the covered truck, donning her helmet and vest, while trying to act brave in front of the driver was hard. Austin was trying to help her fasten her vest, his eyes full of pain, as they took their seats… immediately clinging to each other’s hands as they sat silently.

“All aboarrrd,” Selkirk announced playfully over his shoulder. “Woo-wooooo…” as the truck lunged forward, the transmission going into gear on the massive vehicle.

Her heart was breaking because she knew they were about to be separated once again and the only thing keeping her from breaking down completely was the idea that it was for a limited time. They had to get through a few months and then they would be starting a home, a life, and reuniting once more.

“It’s gonna be okay,” Austin said softly, bringing her wedding ring where it rested on her finger to his lips. “I promise.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean that I have to like this.”

“How about dinner and drinks tomorrow night, wife?” he teased gruffly, and she looked at him in the shadows of the truck, seeing his devastated expression, and knew he was hurting too.

“That sounds wonderful… husband.”

“I would say tonight, but I’m pretty sure that I’m not going to get a second of privacy or peace once I walk in the barracks. Word travels fast and the guys are a bunch of gossips.”

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