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It was madness and the last thing I wanted to do was make peace with Eloise, but for my brother’s sake and to make her think I trusted her I would play along. I extended my hand and shook hers and felt that oddly annoying attraction between us.

Memories of our time in the elevator came flashing back to my mind and my body responded in ways I loved, but not, considering the circumstances and who it was I was thinking about at that moment.

I shifted my weight and tried to focus on her face, and not her gorgeous body. Thinking of my grandmother naked didn’t help. “Fine.”

It was no use; my dick was dancing, and she could have been the devil’s bride and I would have fucked her. I wanted to yank off that top, sink my teeth into her succulent tits and then cradle her ass in my hands while I stroked her pussy until she begged me. I knew I would be a wicked bastard and leave her wanting, just for the sheer pleasure of it, to teach her a lesson.

She smiled. I was determined to use this moment to my advantage. Whatever I could learn about Eloise and her life, her thoughts, feelings, and ideas, I knew I might be able to determine what she was about, showing up at this party.

“So, what’s with this, the whole Alexandra Newton look-a-like thing?” I waved my hands through the air. I wasn’t one to beat around the bush, preferring to get straight to the heart of the problem, while avoiding that sickening passionate sensation I have just looking at her.

She frowned, took a sip of the wine she ordered and sat down beside me. I was thankful no other people were around, if I had to keep an eye on Little Miss Gold Digger then I should at least not have any distractions in the form of other women until I was done at the end of the party.

“I don’t know, I didn't intentionally set about making myself look like her. It just kind of happened. I started going to the gym more to occupy my time after the breakup. Thank you by the way, your little game and gossip broke my heart and my relationship with your brother.”

“You're welcome.” I sipped my whiskey and eyed the brunette at the other end of the room. If my memory serves me right, she was Alissa, one of my brother’s many past dates, and I began to wonder why he invited all these ex’s to a party to celebrate his engagement. Either his girlfriend really did have a devious plan in mind, or they had some sick and twisted fantasies to fulfill together. “Okay, so you went to the gym. That wouldn’t do this….” I tugged on Eloise’s hair.

“No.” She gritted her teeth and tugged her hair back. “I started feeling better at the gym, a girl I met offered to do my hair. She insisted I had to let her do whatever she wanted, and she dyed it, this is what I got. Add a bit of makeup and some dental work and much to my surprise I now look exactly like Alex, except I don’t get her paycheck.”

I watched, annoyed and slightly fascinated as she downed the remainder of her wine and grabbed another. Ten minutes later she was tipsy, smiling and this cheerful, sunny side of my arch nemesis was starting to intrigue me a lot, just like our elevator adventure.

“Why are you so hung up on your older brother? You seem so intent on watching over Danny like he’s stupid or something. He is the older brother you know.”

She leaned in then; I watched the bartender eye her eye-popping cleavage and felt a sudden urge to smash his skull which was a huge surprise for me. I threw him a look. “You should wear more respectable clothing. When you were with Danny you didn't dress this way. Are you trying to draw al eyes to your goods, or just insecure?”

I would never tell her that she could be wearing a burlap bag and I would screw her. She tempted me in ways I hated and the only image I had was plunging myself into her until I couldn't think anymore. The last thing I wanted was another man touching all those gorgeous curves.

She frowned, drank another sip of wine, and looked at me. I could see the wheels turning in her head, she didn't like me anymore than I liked her and yet here we were trying to be civil and get through my brother’s engagement party for him, faking peace, and harmony.

“Neither. And what’s it to you, you're not my boyfriend, thank God.” She nibbled on some snacks beside her. I could hear the noise getting louder in the other room, Sienna’s melodic laughter music to my ears. Danny was making a wise choice to marry her, she was smart, beautiful, and funny and she was a good person with a good heart.

“If I was your boyfriend, you would never leave the bed, let alone the house. Especially if you thought you could go out dressed like that. It would be disrespectful to me and my family, not to mention yourself.”

I swirled my whiskey in its glass. “Besides, what it is to me is embarrassing. When you were leaning over the bar, the bartender could see all the way to your navel, very unattractive. You might as wel have taken your top off.”

I saw the anger in her eyes, she slammed her glass down and stalked away. Determined not to lose her I followed and grabbed her arm to stop her as she walked towards the other guests.

“Where are you going, Eloise?” I tried not to growl but the alcohol was getting to me, and her perfume which I had yet to forget from the elevator was very tempting.

She stopped. “Goodness, do you really want to be polite to me and get to know me, call it a truce or was it a means of keeping an eye on me tonight?”

“Keeping an eye on you.” I wasn’t about to mince words. She gave a hard tug and pulled her arm free. I moved with her, following close on her heels, knowing the way around my brother’s penthouse better than she, at least I hoped.

I watched her curvy ass and hips move, a gentle, but torturous sway that made me want to sink my teeth into her ass, run my lips up her spine and take her from behind, deep, and slow.

When we ended up at his master suite, the door wide open to reveal a massive king size mahogany bed with a burgundy covering.

“Damn it! I just want to use the bathroom! Not only can I NOT find it, but I have a shadow!” She turned on me, eyes pinning me. I had to laugh, she never looked more beautiful or dangerous in that moment, not even when she was screaming OH GOD YES during our little make out session. “I suppose you're going to the bathroom with me too! Do you want to help me wipe too?”

She folded her hands over her oversized bust and thrust her hip out to the side. I laughed at her failed attempts to intimidate me. “Is that supposed to scare me? If you need me to hold your panties or those big tits just let me know. I can imagine they get in the way sometimes when you're trying to do something.”

The thought of fondling them, playing like a kid until I got bored amused me as I watched her.

She was getting angrier by the minute; I should have sympathized with her plot, but I was blinded by my dick and ruthlessly selfish.

She slugged me with her tiny purse and stormed past me, but I moved too fast and was on her heels around the corner in the direction of the spare bedrooms. “It’s to the right of Eloise, if you want to know!”

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