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She eyed me sideways and stuck her tongue out, I had all I could do to not grab her, thrust my tongue in her mouth and let them mingle together while fingering her again.

When she reached the bathroom, I stopped just short of entering. She turned on me, stood watching me for a moment before trying to slam the door in my face. I stopped it with my foot.

“I won’t go in there with you because there is no other way out, but I’ll be waiting. If you're not out in 5 minutes, I might have to break the door down and finish what we started. Give my brother something to be pissed about when everyone at this party hears you call out my name while I’m pounding that pussy. You’d like Eloise, much better than my brother's dick. He ain’t got nothing on me.”

She smiled then. “You know Wes, you really are a sick man. It’s all coming together now for me, that sick twisted side of you that runs around chasing defenseless women because of the insanity in your head, holding panties and anything else they need to make you feel like more of a man.”

I was surprised when she kicked my foot and slammed the door, so I leaned against the door frame and waited. A good five minutes passed before she opened it again, fresh lipstick on her lips.

She didn't blink, moved past me like I was a potted plant and headed back to the party. I kept my distance at that point. I could hang back and watch her as my brother introduced her to his fiancée.

Sienna looked happy to meet her, which I am sure was genuine, the woman could meet anyone, a hardened criminal for whatever reason and she’d smile like an angel sent from heaven. At times it was a bit disturbing but then again, none of my business.

Despite all that happened, I had to admit Eloise was the most attractive woman in the room, and not just because she looked like Alexandra Newton. She was stunning with sparkling eyes and gorgeous, overly long legs for a petite woman.

No matter how much I disliked her and knew what a conniving, deceitful woman she was, I would never forget that moment we shared in the elevator. I wanted more, and I hated myself for it because of who and what she was in reality.

I watched from a distance as the night went on and she mingled with other women and men, all but avoiding me. I never let her out of my sight and watched from a distance.

“Seems to me you have a fascination with Eloise. Is it genuine lust or just wanting to keep an eye on her?” I knew my brother’s voice without even looking, turning to the side he was standing beside me, a brandy in his hand, a humored look on his face.

“A little of both, the little vixen drove me mad earlier in the elevator as much as I hate admitting it to you. She might be a gold digging, lying thieve but I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t fuck her until I passed out cold.”

His laughter shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. “Well, I won’t give you any details as it was a while ago BUT I think you would be good for each other if you could trust the woman. I can assure you; Eloise is not the woman you think she is, and it doesn't hurt that she looks like Alexandra Newton.”

Frustrated and not surprised I lost Eloise for the two minutes I looked at my brother. I took my leave as soon as he headed back to his fiancée’s side.Eloise and I together, what a crock of

shit that is, she’s a liar and a thief and my brother wants me to not only bang her but take herout on a date, he must be hallucinating!

She was gone, I couldn’t believe it, angry I stormed through the house searching from room to room and found nothing. She vanished. Irritated, I hit the balcony for a smoke, a nasty habit I hated about myself but something I resorted to when I was stressed, and when I couldn’t immediately have sex.

“So, what are your fears? It’s only fair that you share one of yours since you know my most secret fear and phobia.”

Her voice was like an electric shock up and down my spine. I tossed my cigarette in the butt tray and turned, not bothering to paste a fake smile on my lips. “Why would I share that with you? I don’t even like you, and you don’t like me.”

I saw the slightest twinge of upset in her eyes, then Eloise masked it with a careless air. “I don’t know, to make the playing field even.” I couldn’t imagine why she found me again, when she could have hidden and did whatever she’d come to do.

No one was out on the balcony, so I sat down on the couch in the corner, more relaxed now that I had her in my sights again. She followed, and I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or annoyed.

My body was excited, I had a hard time controlling myself as my shaft danced and got a little hard, thank goodness for my jacket.

I cleared my throat. “Well, if you must know, I’m actual y afraid of heights, no one has ever suspected because I hide it well and I’d like to keep it that way. Don’t ask me why I just shared that with you.”

She laughed, grabbed two champagne glasses as the waitress walked by and handed me one.

“Your secret is safe with me I guess, unless I get totally plastered tonight and it slips out. What else?” She rested her hand high in my leg mere inches from my dick, instantly things changed.

I wondered what it would be like to sit her atop my lap as everyone continued to party, her back to me as I thrust up into her.

I downed my glass, heard all the people making speeches inside the house through the open balcony doors and silently wished my brother a happy life with his lovely fiancée. “Well, I'm a commit-a-phobic if that counts.”

She laughed, I wanted to kick myself and toss her over my shoulder then drag her to the spare bedroom and screw her senseless but held myself in check.

“Sorry, I think everyone knows that. When I was with Danny you had a new woman on your arm every couple days. After two dates, or most often one, you were done. You're a serial dater, Wes Markson.” She ran her hand up and down my leg, and rubbed her hand slowly

against my cock, it was already half hard again. “A bit more of that and you’d better be prepared to finish the job princess.”

She kept doing it anyway, a naughty smile on her lips. “Okay, what else do you have for me?

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