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It didn't take long for him to find me again. I was at the bar talking to Jennifer, one of their cousins whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. Then I saw him, Wes, with Danny by his side.

Thankfully Danny was smiling from ear to ear. “Eloise, so glad you could make it. Come, let’s go to my office for a moment before I introduce you to my bride, Sienna, you are going to love her. Wes has an issue with you being here.”

I followed along as Danny and Wes walked side by side through the penthouse to his office that overlooked the streets of New York. Danny got comfortable at his desk, the urge to hug him was hard to ignore. If there was one thing I’d always loved about Danny, he was charming almost all the time.

He was the man who could make friends with anyone and instantly make them feel right at home. He loved people, socializing and being friends with everyone. Even people who’d wronged him were eventually welcomed back into the fold of his friendly circle by his good-natured personality.

“You look ravishingly beautiful Eloise. I have to tell you, this transformation, you look like that gorgeous model, Alexandra, what’s her name Wes? The model you have all those fantasies and dreams about.”

I couldn’t stop my laughter as I watched the interplay between brothers. Wes looked ready to murder someone, either his brother for mentioning some very private details about his personal life, but more likely me for ruining his night.

“Newton. Alexandra Newton.” He grit it out through clenched teeth, cracking his knuckles as he stood at the windows overlooking the lights of the city. He pinned me with a look, he was sexually frustrated and still ready to fuck which also surprised him.

“Ah, yes, Alexandra Newton. You know Wes, since Eloise looks so much like Alexandra, perhaps she could be your new fantasy. Stunning and highly attainable, besides this hatred you still have for her could easily be turned into sexual play. What do you say?”

I heard the humor in his brother’s voice and for a split-second pitied Wes. His older brother had the ability to cut you to the quick verbally and you thought it a joke, sarcasm, or playfulness, never really knowing how he felt inside.

“No thanks. I think I can find a better woman to fuck then this little witch. Why the hell did you invite her, Danny?” Wes turned around then, I saw how upset and irritated he was that I was here and got comfortable in a chair in front of Danny’s desk wishing for a bucket of popcorn before the show started.

“Not that it’s any of your business little brother, but I invited her because we were old friends.

Before all this nonsense came up where you had me thinking she was a thief and gold digger, Eloise and I were really good friends, not just lovers, right kitten?”

Danny eyed me, a look of half amusement and half intrigue in his eyes. I thought then he wouldn’t mind revisiting our time with a quick roll between the sheets if he didn't have a beautiful woman in his life.

“Absolutely.” Of course, I had to drive that thought home so I could get to the business I came to the party for and meet his fiancée too.

“She is a thief brother; you didn't realize it then and you don’t know. You want to introduce her to Sienna; she isn’t even fit to wipe the dirt off that woman’s shoes let alone say hel o.”

I could have easily been offended by such a statement, but I was enjoying the show too much, and praying it would end soon before I was forced to go home without fulfilling my mission.

Thankfully Danny waved him away. “Nonsense brother, I told you then, like I will tell you now, Eloise is not a thief or a gold digger, she doesn't have a hurtful, mean bone in her body. As for meeting Sienna, she is the one who wants to meet all my ex’s, don’t ask me why. I haven’t a clue, probably something she will use against me in about twenty years but who cares right now anyway. Listen, I am getting bored with this. I want to get out of this stuffy office, go hang out with my friends, celebrate, and then call it a night so I can get to the business of having sex with my fiancé.”

Amused I watched, ignoring the comment Danny made about sex with Sienna.

“Besides, it looks like you need to take a load off and loosen up. Perhaps I should lock you and Eloise in here and she might make you feel better if you're your lucky little brother.” Danny stood then, headed for the door, and grabbed the door handle. “For god sakes Wes, loosen up,

have some fun tonight and forget all about this nonsense that should have been buried a long time ago.”

The door clicked closed, I sat watching Wes, he was thinking. It was delightful that things didn't work out. “Didn't quite go the way you thought it would with your older brother, did it Wes?” I was still wet, unsatisfied, and my fantasies were getting the better of me. He was the last man I would want to sleep with and yet, every time I looked at all those ripped muscles and his large package, I was willing to throw that to the wind for some hot, wild, intense sex with him.

He was angry, I could see it in the way he held his body rigid, his back stiff as he stood looking out the floor to ceiling windows. He turned then, and walked to me, stopping just short of my chair, and leaned down a little. I felt the tension between us, hot, slippery, and guaranteed to be unforgettable. I wanted to straddle him, force him down to sit, climb on top and impale myself on his hard, thick shaft.

“Maybe not princess but I will be keeping a close eye on you tonight. Don’t think for one moment I won’t be. I know you're up to something, after al this time you decide to show up now at his engagement party. Other than when he introduces you to Sienna, you stay away from her. She’s a lady, proper, decent, and kindhearted. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body, and I want to keep it that way. You always had my brother wrapped around your finger, I won’t have him, or my family hurt again.”

I bit my lip intentionally just to see if he would look. When he did, I couldn’t help but laugh inside.Your mine sexy devil!I purposefully ran my hands across my top and gripped my tits, his eyes fell to them and then he looked into my eyes, a storm of passion in them. “You're irresistible but I have to decline princess. I hate you more than I want you.”

“Is that so?” I leaned back, parted my legs, and ran my hand up my leg to my clit and started massaging. It felt so good, staring at him, wicked, sinful, and got my sexual juices flowing again. I smiled and locked eyes with him. “Are you sure you don’t want to just take a lick to make sure? Stick that rock hard cock deep inside my wet pussy?”

I heard him inhale sharply, his nostrils flared, his eyes widened. He was fighting it, a damned good game but the more he fought it, the more I wanted it even if I hated him.

He said no more and pulled back sharply. I straightened up as he walked to the door and out, leaving me there alone to think for a moment. Confused why his words didn’t align with what he did I got up and hurried out the door to see what he was about. The last thing I needed was him watching every move I made.

If this was some trick or game Wes was playing, I didn't want to be a part of it. I wanted to come tonight to do what I needed to do, and if I had to play nice with Wes to do it for the time being I would. I found him at the bar, alone.

I held out my hand and smiled, fake as it was. “Can we start fresh?”

Chapter Five

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